Bailed Out

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Laying on the concrete floor I hear the sounds of a door opening.

The amount of times I have gone in and out of this cell was a lot, almost a week and a half combined was spent in here.

You know when officers put you in here, then tell you to "Think about your actions." Well sometimes I do, but majority of the time I don't. Like what am I supposed to think about?

'Oh I stole this man's wallet and I became a felon! Maybe I shouldn't become a felon!'

See! It sounds stupid.

"Viz someones here to take you home."
Officer Jim told

"Caught stealing again huh."

"What are you doing here?"
I glared

Looking at him while still laying down, his smirk was beautiful. His face, MWAH a masterpiece. But no time for that now I needed to know why he was here.

"Heard you were caught stealing, again. So I decided to pick you up ;)."


"Maybe because I was feeling... Kind today."

His pause made me feel a bit uneasy but it was Robin. If he was talking to you, you wouldn't be all calm would you now? Or maybe you would. Could it be just me?

"Aren't you supposed to be fighting criminals?"

"It's my day off, and I heard you were here."

"Heros have day offs? Who would've known."

"It's like any ordinary job."

"I think otherwise."


"You didn't meet me on the roof yesterday."

"Why would I? I thought you were gonna kidnap me or worse, arrest me."

"You should get your priorities straight woman."

"Anyways, why are we here on the roof?"
Vizzy said, ignoring the last comment

"Since you didn't come here yesterday, I decided this was the best place to go."

"Hm, makes sense."

"Why did you decide to steal that man's wallet?"

"For the money, why else?"

"Well, why? Why did you need the money?"

"Why should I tell you? For all I know you could be collecting information of me so you can go and tell your lil 'master'. "
I mocked him

"He's not my 'master'. "

"That seems very contradictory to the fact you're a sidekick."

"We're going off-topic here. Why do you need the money?"

"This is a waste of my time."

I got up from the concrete roof, heading down the staircase leading to the hallways of the building. Going down the hallway with my apartment I look behind me, Robin hadn't followed me.

I sighed, using the spare keys to my apartment. I walked in, only to see my mum/mom, bags under her eyes glaring at me. When saw her I could tell she wasn't very happy. When I say her face was scarlet, her face, was scarlet.

"Again?! I've told you again and again, you still don't listen!"

"Mama, your job can't sustain us, at least let me hel—"

"By stealing wallets on the street? You're putting us at risk! Not helping us! Go to your room!"

"How about. No."

I couldn't handle being near my mother, I loved her, she loved me. But she's blind to our situation, or she is in denial, which is worse. At that moment I couldn't handle it. So I left the apartment.

"Where are you going!?"
My mother yelled to me.

"Somewhere not here."

"You don't have anywhere to go!"

"I guess I'll sleep on the streets then!"

I headed to the elevator, pressing the button going to the ground floor. When the elevator reached my desired level, I exited only to be welcomed by a very quiet and empty lobby.

Having nowhere to go I took a nice cold walk outside. At this point I regretted leaving, but there was no going back now. I wouldn't want to act like a puss—




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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