Shin Yuna | Better Than She Can

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[Male OC]

Continuation "Why?"

"Sooo are you going back to school" Yuna asked the caller she was talking too "Yeah i think i can't keep making excuses anymore" He replied "It's alright JaeHyun oppa, you always have me by your side" Yuna said gleefully "Thanks" He said giggling "Well get some sleep oppa, you got a hectic day ahead of you" Yuna said ending their phone call together "Why can't you notice that i can treat you better than she can" Yuna mumbled falling for him more than she thought she could "Aish the things you do to me" She eventually went into her dreamlands and let tomorrow roll in

When JaeHyun walked into the school grounds all eyes were on him, he felt uncomfortable regretting every second of his decision going back to school, the whispers slowly got louder and louder suffocating him, every step he took felt heavy, he wants to go back but couldn't "YAH MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" A loud voice ran through the halls making everyone stop what they are doing "Lia ya i think that's loud enough" Yeji said

They went to JaeHyun checking up on him "Jae oppa you okay" Yuna asked rubbing his back, he took a deep breath and slowly nodded "I'll manage" He forced a smile and they gave a reassuring one back "I'll go with JaeHyun oppa back to class you guys can go ahead" Yuna said and they nodded leaving them behind "Let's go oppa" Yuna smiled dragging JaeHyun by his arms "Yuna Ya the classroom is that way" He said as they went pass his class "I know but there's still 25 minutes till the bell rings" Yuna said not stopping

They reached the music room and Yuna unlocked the door "How did you get the key" He smiled amused "Being in the music club has it perks" She smiled and they went inside the room as the neon lights flickered on "Wahh they have a lot of instruments in here" He said scanning each instruments that were there "It's called a music room for a reason silly" She teased making the boy glare at her "I know that, i'm just surprised that there's a lot here, if i had known i would've join" He said his eyes still lingering on the instruments "Hey can you play me a song, i liked your performance i wanna hear it again" She asked taking and grabbing one for JaeHyun too

"Sure, can I use this guitar?" He asked, pointing at a specific black acoustic guitar, she nodded and he grabbed the guitar off the wall and sat down beside her "Any specific song you want me to sing?" He said adjusting the guitar on his grabs "No, you can sing whatever" She replied all attention on him, he thought about it for awhile and when he thought of a song he started to strum the guitar, the song he wanted to sing is what he felt for awhile after what Ryujin did to him, he wanted to forget all about her but couldn't

All the memories they share from the first time they met and to the time they officially went on a date were all beautiful memories back then, but now is a nightmare to him, haunting him every second of the day. Yuna saw how fragile he is right now, closing his eyes as he sang his voice came out shaky

He couldn't sing anymore as all of his emotions went through him, Yuna remove the guitar off of him and hugged him "It's okay oppa, let it all out" Yuna said caressing his back "It still hurts Yuna ya" He sobbed as he hugged her back "It's alright i may haven't experienced it before but i know it sucks, but oppa just know you're not alone okay" Yuna said trying to comfort him

"Better?" She asked after his sobs died down "Sorry yuna, you're uniform is a little wet because of me" He chuckled "It's fine Oppa, it's good to have someone to cry one once in awhile" She said sitting beside him and resting her head on his shoulders "Can i tell you something Oppa?" She said with a nervous tone as she speaks, he hummed resting his head above hers

"Ever since i moved here with my unnies, i always had my attention on you, you looked so cool back then practicing guitar at the school garden, when Lia unnie introduced us to you i felt so happy that i was able to see you upclose, ever since then i took my opportunity to get too get to know you better and it worked to some extent, when i was with you i felt comfortable, i felt i can finally rely on someone else other than my unnies"

"It came to the point that i may have liked you more that just a best friend" She said, shocking him "I was skeptical at first thinkin it maybe just a small crush on you, but that spark grew more and more, and when Ryujin unnie said you guys are dating that was when i realised that i really really like you but it was too late" She stopped tears dropping down a bit

"Yuna.. i'm sorry.. i didn't know" He said looking down, feeling guilty because he didn't notice her feeling until know "It's fine oppa" She smiled, well forcing one and stood up "We should go to class" Yuna said about to leave the room "Wait" He said grabbing her wrist "Can.. can we give it a try" He said blushing a bit "W..what?" Yuna said confirming if she heard him right 

"Can we give it a try, i'm really sorry i didn't notice it before and i want to fix it, you've been there for me at my worst so let me be there for you" He said looking at her now "Will you date me Shin Yuna?" He asked pulling her close, she smiled happily like a kid and nodded "Yes, a hundred times yes" She said hugging him making him stumble a bit "Great, i'll pick you up later tonight at 7 that okay" He smiled and she nodded "Don't be late oppa, or else you won't have someone to cry on anymore" She teased "I wouldn't dare" He smiled patting her head

Part 3 coming soon


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