Chapter 2: Link's Journey Begins

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"Great Deku Tree!" I shouted after making it to the weakened Deku Tree.

"Great Deku Tree! What happened? Please answer!!" I shouted, pounding on the unresponsive Deku Tree.

"He's cold. L-like he's dead..." Scratch said, feeling the Deku Tree.

"Link? Scratch?" Saria asked us.

Then, the rest of the Kokiri came to the Deku Tree to see what the problem was.

"Heh...Heh..." A voice said. Then, a giant eyeball appeared on the Deku Tree and stared at me.

Then, a giant bug appeared from the Great Deku Tree: Gohma, Parasitic Armored Arachnid Queen.

"This is it, Link! This is the thing that cursed the Great Deku Tree!" Sibelius told me.

"Stone..." Gohma said. "Give me... the stone... Hee hee.. Hee... Where is the stone..." The Kokiri hid behind me in fear.

Then, Gohma went inside a giant hole that she made inside the Deku Tree.

I grab my Fairy Slingshot and chase after Gohma.

"Link?" Saria asked.

"I'm gonna get that thing!" I told her.

"Wait! I'm going too!" Scratch said, showing off a sword with a brown handle. "Look here! The legendary Kokiri Sword!

Scratch, Sibelius and I go inside the Deku Tree.

"Don't get too excited, Scratch." I told him.

"Shut up! I won't let you show off for Saria all by yourself!" Scratch said, rudely.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I won't let you have her!" Scratch said. "Hey! C'mon out here, you monst-"

Then, Scratch walks into a sticky web.

"Aghmmph! What's all this goo?" He asked, trying to free himself.

Then, Sibelius heard crunching coming from somewhere. "I hear something strange..." He said.

"The stone... Where's the stone..." Gohma said, eating some wood.

"Is it eating the... Great Deku Tree?" I asked in fear.

Gohma notices us. "Shall I... take a bite out of you three, as well?" Gohma asked.

"Return the Great Deku Tree to normal!!" I demanded, firing deku seeds from my Fairy Slingshot.

"Give me the stone...Where is the stone?" Gohma asked.

"It's no use!" I said, getting away.

"What stone is it talking about?" I asked myself.

"Link! Scratch is..." Sibelius told me, pointing at a frozen Mido.

I rush back and save Scratch from falling rocks.

"That was close! Don't freeze up!" I told Scratch.

"Sh-shut up! Leave me alone!" Scratch said rudely.

Then, a giant rock falls and hits me on the head and Gohma appears.

I shot Deku Seeds at Gohma, but they had no effect. Gohma backs me into a sticky web. "I...I can't move!" I said. "Don't come any closer! Darn Monster!"

"Only one shot left!" I said, holding my last Deku Seed. "Great Deku Tree."

As I was about to meet my end, a pebble hit Gohma.

"Scratch!" I exclaimed.

"Blast! Link's attacking, but so am I!" Scratch said, throwing pebbles like crazy.

"Where are you aiming? You missed!" Sibelius told Scratch.

Then, one of Scratch's pebbles hit Gohma's one eyeball. Gohma tumbles in pain.

"Link! Gohma's weakness is her eyeball! Aim for her eye!" Sbielius told me.

I shoot my last Deku Seed at Gohma's eye. It was super effective! Then, Gohma disintegrates into ashes and transforms into a tiny beetle.

"So that's what Gohma really looks like." I said.

"Just a tiny bug!" Scratch said.

We leave to get outside the Great Deku Tree to tell him the good news.

"Great Deku Tree! We defeated Gohma!" I told him.

"Good job, Link. And you too, Scratch. Your combined strength broke the curse..." The Great Deku Tree began. "But...My life cannot be saved."

"What?!" I said, shocked. "Why? That can't be! Don't die, Great Deku Tree! I fought so hard! This can't be happening!!" I start crying on the Deku Tree.

"Link. Listen closely." The Deku Tree began. "While Gohma was eating me, I could read her thoughts. She, too, had been cursed. The one in control of this horrible evil power...Is king of the people of the Black Desert. He plots to capture the Triforce and rule over Hyrule."

"The Triforce?" I asked.

"The Triforce has held the power of the gods since ancient times. Whoever touches it has the power to remake the world in the image of his own heart." The Deku Tree continued. If a pure heart touches it, the world will be good...If an evil heart touches it, the world will be consumed by evil. An awful danger is coming to Hyrule. We cannot let the evil one touch the Triforce!! If you have the courage, you can defeat his plans..."

"Why me?" I asked. "I can't fight against... something so scary."

"Yes, you can!" The Deku Tree told me. "Learn about the outside world and grow big, Link!"

I was surprised to find out that I can explore the world.

"Listen closely, Go to Hyrule Castle. There is a princess who has been chosen by the gods. Give her this stone. This is the stone that the evil one wanted so badly that he would put a curse on me. The Kokiri's Emerald!!" The Deku Tree told me, giving me a green gem that looked like the Kokiri's Emblem. "I'm counting on you, Link. I believe in you."

"I understand." I said. "Thank you, Great Deku Tree."

"You must...Make a shield from my...remains. It will protect you from all manner of evil." the Great Deku Tree told me.

"Great Deku Tree..." Sibelius said.

"Sibelius...Help Link. I'm counting on you, too. "Goodbye...everyone...Goodbye..." The Great Deku Tree said his last words and died.

"Great Deku Tree!!" A Kokiri shouted.

I start to cry a little. "Scratch, lend me your sword." I said.

Scratch hands me his sword and I start making a shield out of wood from the Great Deku Tree's dead wood. "Alright. It's done." I said, finishing my Deku Shield.

"Let's go, Link." Sibelius told me.

"OK, Sibelius." I said.

"Go? Where are you going?" Scratch asked me. "We Kokiris can't live outside the forest."

"I want to see the outside world, Scratch." I said. "To see how big it is and what's out there...with my own eyes. I'll be back after I deliver the Kokiri's Emerald."

"Just..just take the sword!!" Scratch said. "Get out of here and don't ever come back!"

I start leaving. "You hear me? Don't come back, you big jerk." Scratch yelled at me rudely.

After I left the forest, Saria was on the bridge leading outside of Kokiri Forest. "So you're going?" Saria asked me.

"S...Saria!" I stammered.

"I've always thought I was different from everyone. Like I'm from somewhere..." I said. "But...The Forest is my home!"

"Yeah!" Saria said. "Please take my ocarina...It's a gift. Play it sometimes and remember the forest...Okay?"

I thanked Saria for the Ocarina and made my way outside of the forest to Hyrule Field.

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