Chapter 6 - Secret Hate

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A/N: OMG! I am so sorry for all you fans that were waiting for me to update :( but i just had a lot going on in life, like grades, etc. I hope you enjoy this new chapter after so long. As an apology, I will try to post another chapter Soon!!! Comment, vote, Fan!!!

If you go and follow me on Instagram or twitter, and kik me any suggestions, I will dedicate the next few chapters to the 1st few followers/"kikers" (I know that isn't a word :P) that tell me, they read my story on wattpad. <3

@1direction_makesmebeautiful << instagram

@kallie_p17 << twitter

got_2_luv_1direction << KIK me loveliesss

Chapter 6 ~~~

Natalie's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. Niall wasn't helping by repeatedly apologizing really loudly. I got so annoyed that I yelled out "God Dang It Niall! I forgive you, just be quiet!"

Niall quickly shut his mouth and hugged me as tight as he could. I struggle to breathe. Just because I "forgave" him, doesn't mean that I would ever trust him again, or at least anytime soon.

Liam came up to me with some kind of orange liquid in a medicine cup. I don't think they knew that I absolutely despised of medicine. At the foster home, when I would get sick, I would kick the house-mother everytime she brought some near me.

He came closer, and said "Here Natalie. Take it. It will help you."

I said "No thank you. FYI, I hate medicine."

Liam motioned to Harry, Louis, and Niall. I couldn't tell what he was planning. As they all started inching towards me, I realized that they were going to hold me down.

I turned around in the blink of an eye and ran all the way upstairs into my room. I quickly climbed out on the small window/balcony and saw a few step used to get on the roof. I nearly slipped on the last step.

I heard Louis shouting my name below from my room. I peered over the ledge, and saw all of them out on the small balcony looking around. I shuffled all the way to the other edge of the roof, and used the fence to climb down into Zayn's bedroom window. I ran out into the hallway, into my room, and quietly tiptoed to the balcony door. I shut it, and locked it. Niall must've heard the lock click for he was the first to turn around. He saw me, and started banging on the door.

I just yelled "That's what you get for going through my stuff."

I heard Niall sigh, and talk to the boys. He turned back to me and said "Look Natalie, I am so sorry. I know it wasn't any of my business, and I should have stayed out of it. I should have waited for you to be ready to tell us."

I didn't know what to say. No one had ever apologized to me. I didn't even notice I was crying until Liam said "Love, what's wrong?"

They were all being extremely nice to me when I was here, treating them like crap. I felt horrible.

I opened the lock and hid under my covers on my bed, still crying.

I felt the bed dip all around me, signaling that they all had sat around me. Louis slowly lifted the covers, and Niall set me on his lap. I stuffed my head into the crook of his neck and continued sobbing. None of them said anything, until I stopped bawling.

Zayn said "Natalie, you can talk to us anytime you want. We will never hit you, and that is a promise. We love you like you are own little sister, our own daughter."

I lifted my face from Niall's now wet t-shirt, and said "I want to tell you guys everything."

Thank you to all of you who have put up with me, and my really slow updates. I promise to start updating sooner, especially since I have lots of you commenting to update!

Kik me, follow me on instagram or twitter (tell me you read my story) and I will dedicate the next few chapters to the next few fans, comments, kikers, followers. My usernames are listed at the beginning of this chapter <3

-kallie xxx 

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