Running Out of Time

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Yn pov.

I took the moai to the room where I left the model of the Queen Margaret. It took me a few minutes but I found which places they needed to go. I then went back to the well and put the 6 mysterious tile in my bag. On my back down I almost lost my grip on the rope. Thankfully I tightened my grip just in time.

Yn: That was too close.

I made it down to the ground. When I turned around I saw a platform in the ground. I wanted to check it out but I didnt. I was running out of time. I got back to the main chamber and took out the 6 tiles and placed them on the floor. The ground started shaking again. This time it was harder and longer.

Yn: How many more do I have to go through?

Once it stopped I ran back to the well and climbed up again. I placed in the books, the amulet, and the wooden dolls in my bag. I then looked up and saw that the sun and moon were very close together. I looked at my scoll. I had 20 minutes left. I head back down. Once at the bottom I rush back to the room with the moai and the model of the Queen Margaret. I place the wooden dolls in there rooms and place the model on the pedestal. After a moment another earthquake happened.

Yn: What?

Debris fell from the ceiling. Luckily none of the debris was large. I look back at the pedestal and saw that the model of the Queen Margaret was on its side. I quickly get up and set it up right. I head back into the main chamber and was about to go ask the shaman what I did wrong when I saw the 6 tiles at my feet. I look around the room to see if there was a place I could put them. My eyes flew across the last locked door in the chamber. There were 6 empty slots on the door.

Yn: That must be were these tiles go.

I take them over to the door. At 1st I didn't know which tile hoes where but then I remembered. Guillermo had drawn the 6 tiles on his goodbye letter.
I place the tiles in there slots and with a squeaky noise the doors opened. Inside the room was small but in the center was a strange looking machine. The was a globe on the left side on it. A wheel close by the globe. Several light blue pipes going into the ceiling. There was also a 4 fingered hand mark on the right. I turned the wheel but nothing happened. I was about to shout in anger when I saw more symbols on the wall. It was covered in some dust but once I cleared it I was able to translate it.

Yn: Listen to your ancestors! We built this temple to save you. 1 day, this place will be your shelter. When darkness swallows the sun, place the gems from the well on the lamps, arrange the moai in a circle and then activate the machine! Tangaroa will save you.

I then look at the machine.

Yn: How do I activate you?

The ground shook again. It was so hard a large piece of the ceiling landed right next to me. Barely missing my head. I soon got up and looked at the time again.

Yn: 5 MINUTES!!!

I was really scared now. If didn't active the machine, thousands of people including me will die. I opened up my bag to see if there was anything that would help me. The books weren't helpful. The only thing that was left was the amulet I took from the corpse of the old shaman. I had to place it in the room with the 2 satutes and the leo constellation. I quickly ran and went up the rope ladder into the room. I saw where the amulet should go. I placed it in the chest of the statue. By it, the top of the alter opened up. Out came a hand with 4 fingers. I went back down and ran into the room with the machine and place the 4 fingered hand down. A compartment opened up and in side was coal. I had a feeling I would need to ignite the coal. But to do that I would need to get gas first. I remembered seeing a gas can in the garage. I ran back into the well but stopped when I saw the platform.

Yn: The gems.

On top of the platform was a puzzle. I had to match the stones with the there color. After I did that a scraping sound from the platform was heard. The top slid aside and there were 6 beautiful gems inside. I took them put and place them in my bag. I then went up the roped. I rushed over to the garage to get that gas can. To my luck there was gas inside. I grabbed it and rushed back over to the well. To get down I would have to use 1 hand. I had to slide down the rope like a fire man and man that hurt. I took the gas can back into the room with the machine and place it over the coal. I grabbed a nearby torch and lit it. Then I turned the wheel. The globe flashed and I saw the eclipse start.

Ruby pov.

My team and I had told Professor Ozpin and General Ironwood what was going to happened. They started a evacuation. We were helping when the sky went dark. The moon was in front of the sun. Then I saw something that might haunt me in my dreams for a long time.

??? TSUNAMI ???


There, on the ocean was a humongous wave approaching. It was fast and it looked like it was getting bigger. Not only that the ground started shaking so hard that we all fell to the ground.

Ruby: Hurry up Yn.

Yn pov.

With wobbly legs, I got up and rushed into the room where I  left the model of the Queen Margaret. I took out the gems and placed them in the lamps. Then I place the model of the Queen Margaret on the pedestal. A blue glow appeared around it. I heard a crackling sound above me. I look up and saw that lighting was flickering out of the glass sphere on the ceiling. Then a bright white flash came. It was so bright I had to cover my eyes.

Ruby pov.

The tsunami was just about to hit the beach. Then what look like a beam of white light appeared from the city. It had literally came out of nowhere. What looked like a domed shield came from the light nd starts expanding. I thought I was about to die when it would hit me. Instead it went through me. The shield hit the tsunami that just made shore. With flash of white light the wave was gone.

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