Its Karma and Peter Pencil

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Weiss pov.

It took about a hour to get where the truck driver lived. When we were docked, we all saw a glow up the street.

Blake: Lets go.

The glow belonged to another ghost.

Yang: What do.... you want?

Ghost: Mmmmmyyyyyy vvvviiiioooollliiiiinnn.

Blake: Violin.

Ruby: Look at this.

She bring over a news paper.

Wiess: This is no time for reading Ruby.

Ruby: Just read the upper right paragraph.

Wiess: On Thursday afternoon, the local shaman came to the mayor's office and demanded respect for a ancient ritual. He said Amie te Rang was about to return. Nobody appeared to take him seriously.

Blake: Who's Amie te Rang?

Yn: He is the God of the polyterian underworld.

Yn had snuck up behind us. He was holding onto the model of the Queen Margaret.

Ruby: Yn don't do that. You scared the crap out of me.

Yn: Sorry.

Blake: At least you didn't try to kill us like Yang did.

Yang: I said I was sorry.

Wiess: Everyone stop. Lets just finish our mission. We have about 6 hours before the eclipse.

Ruby: She right. Lets find the destroyed house of the local truck driver.

Yn: We could try to find directions from that hotel over there.

Yn pov.

I saw a hotel a few blocks away with the lights on. We walked over and found another ghost. This one I recognized.

Yn: I know this guy. He is Peter Pencil. He was a famous artist.

Yang: Poor guy's fame was washed away along with him.

We enter the hotel and found someone who was alive. The receptionist.

Yn: Hello my name is Yn Rose. These are my friends. Were looking for directions to the destroyed house caused by a angry ghost.

Receptionist: Ah Yn Rose, friend of Grace Stephen. She told me about you. I can give you directions but I need your help 1st. There's a snake at the swimming pool. Could you get rid of it?

Yn: *sigh* Alright lets get this over with.

We head over to the pool. There was indeed a snake there. A python to be exact.

Weiss: Allow me.

She uses her semblance to freeze the snake. We head out side to release it.
Once its gone we head back to the main lobby.

Yn: Its done.

Receptionist: Good. The destroyed house is on the hill at the end of Jeffery street. Oh by the way your friend left you a parcel. Its in my office.

Yn: You guys him on ahead. Ill get the parcel.

Ruby: Got it.

I go into the office to receive the parcel I open it to find scraps of paper a long with a note. Once I read it I took the pieces over to the printer. Once they were in place I booted up the computer and scan the pieces then printed. 3 strange symbols appeared. I remember seeing a trunk in the back of a truck by the hotel. It had many strange symbols for a lock. I did see the 3 symbols the appeared on the sheet of paper a moment ago. I put the symbols in place and the lid opens. Inside was a strange painting. I then realized this must belong to Peter Pencil. When I gave it to him he gave me key. I guess we will have to drive soon. He then turns into a wooden doll. I place him in the model of the Queen Margaret with the others.

Ruby pov.

We made it to the destroyed house. It was smashed beyond repair.

Blake: Why do you think a ghost would do this?

Yang: I don't know.

We then start to reach the house. We go in. We found nothing out of the ordinary until...

Yang: Over here.

She points to the fire place. There was something inside. We moved the grate to find a violin case. Inside was a violin that was somehow still in good condition.

Weiss: Ah this guy tried to burn the violin and the made the ghost musician angry.

Ruby: Talk about karma.

Blake: I bet the ghost musician will be happy to see it.

When we brought the violin to the ghost, his face expression change. It went from gloomy to happy. He gave us a key that had 4 numbers on it. 2196. The ghost turns into a wooden doll.

We then went to the hotel to find Yn. Half way there Yn comes around a corner and comes to us.

Ruby: We got the violinist.

Yn: That's great. I just put Peter pencil inside the model.

Yang: What did he want?

Yn: He wanted his painting. Then he me this car key.

Yang: The violinist gave us this key with the numbers 2196.

Yn: I just saw a house that has those numbers on its mailbox.

Weiss: Before we go let me get this guy in his room.

She places the wooden doll inside the model of the Queen Margaret.

Blake's pov.

That's another ghost dealt with. Just how many are still out there? I guess we will find out eventually. We all walk over to the house.

Blake: Hey Yn, do you want me to carry the model?

Yn: Sure. My arms are getting tired anyways.

We make it to the house. The garage door is open. Inside is a car.

Maybe the car keys belong to that car I thought.

Yang puts the key in the lock and the door opens. Of course it was dark inside. Thank oum we had flash lights. Weiss found the light switch and turned it on. Inside the room we were in looked like a living room. There was also several books laying around. One of them caught Yn's attention. He goes over to it and reads the title aloud.

Yn: Polyterian dictionary. I believe were going to need this.

He puts the book in his bag. We continue looking around.

Ruby: found something.

She had found a exposed safe in the wall. There was a note on it to.

The telescope is inside. The combination is in a different room. Hint: butterflies.

So now we have to find the combination that match the butterfly on the safe. This is going to be hard.

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