Chapter 9

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Renee Pov

I'm stepping out the bathroom , ready to go get dressed to see Rayshawn when Tink bust through my door, she scared the shit out of me , my towel damn near fell , but I caught it

OMG! I haven't see you in forever! I screamed as I ran to hug her !

I told her let me finish getting dressed then we could catch up , and then she could come with me to see my boyfriend at the hospital if she wanted to , she agreed then she went downstairs

I decided to wear something simply but still cute. Some black joggers , red and white Jordan's and a red shirt, I threw my hair in a bun , grabbed my keys and pocketbook and ran down the stairs

When I get downstairs I hear Tink arguing with some one on the phone. I stand at the corner and listen

I hear her say:

Whatever! I don't care!

She hangs up then I walk around the corner like I didn't hear anything,

You ready to go I ask. She smiles and says yes

I wonder what's up but I didn't want to ask.

We hop in the truck then my phone rings letting me know it's Jayana,

I answer

Me- hello
Jayana - Renee-e-e ,

Sounds like she crying

Me-baby what's wrong
Jayana- I need to talk to you
Me- okay baby in omw to see Rayshawn then I'll be right over , alright?
Jayana- okay

We pull up to the hospital , we hop out and rush to the elevator

John Pov

After I dropped Tink off , I left and went to the trap . I walk inside and it's about 50 niggas that were strapped up,

Lewis spoke up,

There was some problems with that last drop, niggas was acting suspicious , we got back counted the money and we was 10k short,

I told them to go shoot up the guys trap we was working with take everything you see, guns , money but bring him to me alive,

They immediately loaded up the trucks and sped off to take care of business

Unknown Pov

Tink ass is dead , she think she can take my money and leave ? She got another thing coming . See im in a gang. Matter fact I'm the leader of a gang in Atlanta, but I'm Also a pimp and Tink was , no hold up , Tink IS and will always be one of my hoes.

She up and took my money, moved in with her two cousins and I know that's the only family she got, ima take then out and her ass is going to have no choice but to come back to Atlanta

Tremaine Pov

I picked up something for me and Jayana to eat since I didn't think she would feel like cooking. I pulled up to the house and walk towards the front door , I hear the sound of glass being broken

I open the door and ducked quick af ,

Wat the fuck ? I yell

I see Jayana throwing a glass at me , and charging at me with a knife in her hand , I sat the food down so quick and ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom .

I had to! I wasn't going to hit her again and I damn sure won't gone shoot her!
I decided to try to calm her down by talking to her through the locked door,

About 30 mins past

And she finally calms down and agrees to talk I make her slide the knife under the door

I waited a few seconds and opened the door.

I look at her while she stares at me

I spoke up

I know what I did last night was wrong but I thought we was over that bab-y ..

She cuts me off by handing me my phone

I look at it and my heart nearly stopped

Jayana Pov

I wanted to kill Tremaine. Why the fuck would he do this shit to me?

I should have took one of his guns and shot his ass when he came in the door but I didn't really want to kill him that bad

When I gave him the phone he looked t it and I guess the cat took his tongue cause this nigga was speechless af and hit sounded like he was gasping for air 💀💀😂

He finally looked at me and said

"I know what you thinking Jayana but ain't no way that baby can be mine"🙅

I asked him if It was Candace , he hestitated

then said No

I walked toward his room and started packing my shit

I seriously have no time to deal with shit, I'm 17 and stressing over a nigga that obviously isn't stressing over me and a nigga that damn sure isn't worth my time .

Brianna Pov

After that doctors appointment I was crushed , I really did want a baby with Markee we would be the cutest little family. It's almost 2:30pm I decide to call him and tell him what happened

I dialed his number

And someone answered , it was a female that answered , and I didn't recognize the voice

I tried to keep my cool

Me- umm where is Markee
???- Oh he is in bathroom taking a shower ,who is this ? She asked
Brianna- this is his girlfriend Brianna , who the fuck is you ?
???- hahaha Oh so you're the little play toy he been telling me about, it's Anicka sweetie and Markee is Mine!
Brianna- bitch! You got me fucked up. Put Markee on the damn phone .
Anicka-umm I'll tell him to call you when I finish with him

She hangs up..

Renee Pov

Me and Tink have been sitting in the room with Rayshawn , and he keeps looking at her funny

Then he spoke up

Rayshawn - Tink don't I know you from somewhere ? He asked
Tink- umm no I don't think so she said strangely
Rayshawn- oh okay maybe I'm tripping

I ignore it , maybe Rayshawn just fucked up off the medicine the doctors been giving him.

I remember Jayana , I decided to text her and ask if she still wanted me to come through

Text Convo

Me -hey baby, you still want me to come through
Jayana- yes , can I sty with you for a while , Since school is out in 5 weeks
Renee- of course
Jayana- thank you . I'm at Tremaines

End of Convo

Me and John had a 5 bedroom house with 4 bathroom so of course there was enough room for Jayana

I wonder what's going on.

Doctors say Rayshawn can leave in the next couple of days.

I tell Rayshawn I will call him later , I kiss him and me and Tink leave and I head to pick up Jayana

I notice I'm almost out of gas , so I stop at the gas station and fill up ,

I notice a guy staring at me but I brush it off, pay for my gas and leave ..


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