Chapter 8

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Kameron Pov

I woke up it was around 6:45am Saturday Morning , I decided to go ahead and Call Lewis so he could get up since he wanted to go to the hospital with me

I called twice and no answer,

That nigga probably got fucked up last night, I said to myself

I showered and got dressed, in my black polo shit , black polo jeans and my black tombs , it was about 7:40am when I walked out to the door , I dialed Lewis number again but no answer , so I said fuck it

I get to hospital around 8:15 and I still can't see Shay or the baby . What the fuck is going on??, I got up and got me something to eat from McDonalds then drove to Lewis house, since he was my boy, I had a key to house . I knocked twice no one answered,

I walked up In the house, and went straight for his room

This nigga and a couple of other niggas from the gang was laid out everywhere , I threw a pillow at him and he jumped up like he had Been shot or something ,

"Man what the hell wrong with you " Lewis said

Here he go bitching ,

Man stfu u was supposed to be going with me to the hospital , yo ass in this bitch slumped . I ain't got time to wait ima go back to the hospital I say and walk out.

"Ard man let me know how Shay and the baby is" He yells as I'm walking downstairs

I get back to the hospital I sit an wait for about 30 minutes then I walk to the front desk

I asked the women why I couldn't see Shay Winstead before she could speak the doctor walked up

You here for Shay Winstead he asked ?

Yes I am , how is her and the baby I said

Well the doctor hestitated ...she didn't make it

Damn I thought to myself ,My world is crushed , I was having a baby girl and she didn't make it

Well can I see Shay I asked

The doctor had a strange look on his face then he spoke up

I'm sorry sir, Shay didn't make it, she slipped away early this morning , she brought a beautiful baby boy into the world his name is Kayden Johnson

What??!! I ask how didn't she make it what went wrong

He said , Shay had small heart problems and after she gave birth , the problems increased , she had a heart attack

I go back to waiting room trying to keep the tears from falling , I call Lewis and John and tell them , Lewis was real hurt , I could hear it in his voice , John was crushed to him and Lewis would always argue who was going to be the god father ...the doctor said I couldn't see my son now cause they were still working on him.

I Drove home in absolute silence. I have a son to raise by myself I thought, this is going to be hard without Shay, I say to myself as the tears fall , wat am I going to do without her..

Brianna Pov

I wake up and I need to call Renee , I need to go to the doctor ASAP !

She answered on the second ring

Renee- hey boo wassup
Brianna- can u come with me to the dr please?
Renee-sure baby let me get dressed
Brianna-okay be by in a few
Renee- alright

I haven't been feeling right for the last 2 weeks , lord I hope I'm not pregnant

Renee Pov

After Brianna called I checked my phone, I had a text from Malik??

Malik- can we talk
Me- no
Malik- Renee please

I didn't reply , fuck him!

I got dressed and headed downstairs and to my surprise John had made breakfast, I fixed a plate , an grabbed some juice and I heard Brianna beep the horn, I rushed out the house and hopped in her car

Brianna looked nervous but i didn't want to say anything ...yet.

We get the doctors and they finally call her back . And surprisingly she told me to come In with her.

Okay Mrs. Monroe what can I do for you today , the doctor asked

Brianna: I think I'm pregnant

I nearly fainted but caught my self

Brianna looked at me then looked away

The doctor gave her a cup to pee in , after Brianna came back with the cup of pee, the doctor said it would take a few minutes to find out, then she left the room

I looked to Brianna and asked if she really thought she was pregnant and she said yes, I had a huge ass grin on my face, and even though Brianna was nervous I new she would be low key happy if she was

We talked about random thing til the doctor came back

Well Mrs. Monroe your test came back ...negative

Me and Brianna faces dropped with disappointment ,

Thank u doc , Brianna said and then we left out , the car ride to my house was silent

I broke it by calling Rayshawn and tellin him I love him and will be by to see him

John Pov

I'm at the airport to pick up my cousin Tink and it seems to me as if a dude was watching me but maybe I'm tripping ..

She runs off the plane and hugs me I haven't seen her in forever . The whole ride we talked about old times and when we pulled up to the house she jumped out before I parked the truck and ran to see Renee

Jayana Pov

Last night was crazy it's 2:37pm I never sleep in this late , the bed beside me was empty and it was a note on my nightstand

It read:

Good morning baby. I went to pick up something to make us for breakfast be back shortly, ps I'm sorry for last night I'm going to still make it up to you

Awh I shed a tear, then I heard a phone ring . I looked on the dresser and noticed Tremaine left his phone

The number wasn't saved in his phone but the text read :

Tremaine I'm pregant.


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