Before Marriage 8: TRUE LOVE!!

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They stood on that hug with their eyes closed for a long while, they were scared that they were going to leave eachother forever.
Their biggest fear was the feeling of their emotions slowly disappearing from them, they kept eachother really tight, hoping that, once the potion made its effect and their love disappear, they could restart, and try to love eachother once again.

They didn't even realize that time passed quite fast, they noticed that only when it was time for the sunset.

Tails slowly his eyes and noticed that, then he looked to Cosmo and said: "It's the sunset Cosmo, the potion should have done its job, can you feel something different?"

Cosmo weakened her hug and looked to him saying: "I..." then she toughed her heart, after a while her shoulder, then she answered: "Yes Tails, I feel different: I'm feeling much more light... like if I was carrying something heavy and now I don't... what about you?"
Tails: "Yeah, I felt the same, but..." he touched his heart too, then he ended: "But about you and me, I feel... I feel... I feel." he couldn't find the way to say it.
Cosmo blocked him: "Just..." and brought him close, abandoning herself to a wonderful deep kiss, Tails didn't refuse at all.

When they finally broke Cosmo asked: "Wasn't the potion supposed to dispel our love? I feel it stronger."
Tails: "Yeah, that's strange... maybe the potion didn't work."
Cosmo: "I don't know, but I'm glad about its effect."
Tails got up and helped her getting up too, then he took her hand and said: "Do you want to understand what happened? I mean, this is wrong, it wasn't what I asked."
Cosmo was reluctant, but she followed him.

They reached the potion maker and Tails started: "Hello, do you remember about me?"
PM (potion maker): "Yeah, you're the guy who asked for that dispel potion, right?"
Tails: "Yeah, it didn't work, are you sure you made it right?"
PM: "Yeah, absolutly, did you do everything exactly like I told you?"
Tails nodded, he explained everything, then PM ended: "it's strange that it didn't work."
Tails: "We'd like to try again, can you...?"
PM: "Sure, I'll give you another, but before that, can I make you some questions?"
Tails: "Why?"
PM: "I'd like first to understand correctly what happened, can I ask?"
Cosmo: "Sure, we'll be happy to answer"

PM started thinking, then he asked: "I'm wondering, are you sure you took a love potion?"
Tails: "Well, I'm quite sure, Amy, a friend of mine, spilled it all on the lake and we falled inside that."
PM: "Mhhhhh, are you sure that she did everything correctly?"
Tails: "I'm quite sure, she wanted to be loved by Sonic so much that for sure she did."
PM: "Wait... she wanted to be loved by Sonic? You mean that she did it for herself and this Sonic, not for you?"
Tails: "Yeah, I'm sure of this, is it important?"
PM: "Yes, it is... However, this is still really strange... I think I understood your problem..." he handed them another potion and said: "Here, take this, I'm sure it'll do what you want."

Tails smiled and took it, then he was up to leave, but Cosmo blocked him and said: "Tails wait, shouldn't we understand what happened first?"
Tails: "Oh, you're right..." then he looked the PM and asked: "Can you explain us everything?"
PM: "Sure, well... a love potion cannot be taken easily, every love potion is different from the other."
Tails: "And why are they?"
PM: "Because... a love potion works only on a specific couple, if it's taken by another couple, it doesn't give the desired effect."

Both Tails and Cosmo got totally astonished to hear that, after a while Tails forced the words out of himself and asked: "And... what is the effect that it could give to the couple?"
PM: "Well, it always give many troubles to that couple, they keep fighting eachother really hard, until they'll separate forever, nobody lasts more than half an year."

Tails and Cosmo got even more astonished, they looked eachother and thought the same thing: "We lasted far longer than that."
Tails: "Then, when we took the potion you gave us, that effect disappeared, right?"
PM: "Yes, it did."

After a while Tails asked: "Just 1 more question... what is this potion supposed to do?"
PM: "Well, since you came here, asking for a love potion dispel, I thought you wanted to separate and stop loving eachother, so I gave you a love destroyer potion, just take a little sip and you'll stop loving eachother forever, don't worry, I'm sure it'll work."

Tails and Cosmo got astonished once again, they looked to eachother and they told eachother with their sight
Tails: "Thanks for blocking me Cosmo."
Cosmo: "You're welcome."

Then Tails looked to PM and said: "Ehm... Well, thanks for your help, but you misunderstood what I asked you before."
PM: "Then what did you want from me?"
Tails: "Don't worry, you already gave me everything I wanted, thanks..." then he handed him back the potion he gave them before and said: "I'm sure I won't need this, you can take it back."
PM was really confused, but he accepted it back and said: "Well... ok."
Tails placed an arm around Cosmo and headed away after saying goodbye to him.


They walked out of that shop, both of them were extremely happy about their discovery, once they got outside they couldn't resist and jumped on eachother with a big hug.

Tails: "COSMO!"
Cosmo: "TAILS!"

They hugged eachother really tight, there were so many things to say, but none of them wanted to say a word.

After a while Tails took Cosmo on his arms and started flying, she took a while then she understood his intention, she dropped her head on his shoulder and allowed him to do what he wanted.

Tails brought them to the lake of love, but he didn't got inside it scared that it could give them another undesired effect, Cosmo understood him perfectly and never tried to get inside it.

They just sat down next to eachother and looked to that wonderful moon, when they finally manage to talk to eachother Tails said: "That love potion wasn't uniting us, it was separating us, and we resisted it Cosmo."
Cosmo: "Yeah Tails... it's a so wonderful news."
Tails: "You know what it means Cosmo?"
Cosmo: "Mhhh, we'll have no more troubles in our love Tails."
Tails: "And not only that, there's more."
Cosmo looked at him without understanding that he meant, he continued: "Nobody lasted more than half an year, but we resisted much more than that, it means..." then he took her closer with his hug and said: "Our love is the strongest ever seen."
Cosmo smiled and made her head fall saying: "Yeah, you're right."


They stood on that wonderful moon for a long time, they didn't want to go away at all.

After a while Cosmo looked at him, she felt so luckly to have him on her side, so much that some questions rushed on her mind.

Cosmo: "Tails, can I ask you a question?"
Tails: "Sure Cosmo."
Cosmo: "Well, you know I always told myself that I'm not worth of you, you should go for somebody better than me, you deserve it..."

Tails didn't like what he heard, he snorted quite hard, knowing where probably Cosmo was bringing the discussion, but he was wrong.

Cosmo continued after that: "...Yeah, I know, I don't want to bother you with that story anymore, I'm glad you choosed me Tails and I accept it without any problem... I was just wondering, what made you fall in love with me Tails?"
Tails smiled and said: "Oh, I'm glad to hear that you're not thinking about that, well... give me a moment..."

Tails closed his eyes and touched his heart, he wanted to be sure to tell her the truth and with the right words.

After a while he said: "Well, refresh me a moment... did I ever tell you about my adventures before I met you?"
Cosmo: "Yeah, you told me some wonderful adventures Tails."
Tails: "Well, I liked those adventures... sadly, when finally they were over, every single drop of glory ended up on Sonic, not that he didn't deserve it, but I was treated only like a sidekick.
And like every sidekick, I had much to do, the hardest works and no glory at all."
Cosmo: "Oh, I'm sorry for that... but, why are you telling me this?"

Tails: "Well, I just gave up on trying to be the hero, because nobody ever treated me like that, then, from the sky, you appear... a little cute girl who lost everything, you felt so weak and desperate, I knew I had to help you."
Cosmo got red hearing what Tails said, then he continued: "I didn't even think about trying to be the hero, I knew that eventually everyone was going to give the glory to Sonic and not to me, and they did but you Cosmo."
Cosmo smiled, then she asked: "Then in short terms, what's the thing you most love of me?"
Tails: "Well, the way you make me feel Cosmo... when I'm close to you, I feel so powerful that I could do everything, I only need to wish it."
Cosmo liked his answer, then he continued: "With the time passing Cosmo, I saw that you cared about me too, you always kept me company, you took care of me while we were on the blue typhoon, and when I was demoralized because we had no hope, you were the light that made me find a way out of that desperate situation." (EP. 70)
Cosmo was totally red, she loved Tails's answer, Tails wanted to explain in short terms what he just said, but Cosmo didn't allow him and kissed him deeply.

After a while Tails broke it and asked: "And, what about you Cosmo?"
Cosmo: "Like you said, I lost everything when I landed on your planet Tails..." she started remembering her feeling in that moment and she had some tears like that day, she covered her face and said: "... I had nothing more Tails."
Tails thought he made something wrong, he tightened his hug to her and said: "Please, don't cry Cosmo, I don't want to see you suffering, I'm sorry, I didn't have to ask that."

Tails was extremely sorry, he hoped that Cosmo were going to stop thinking about that, it was his best hope to see her smile once again.
Instead, Cosmo did smile to him, but she continued to explain to him: "This is the reason I love you Tails... you took care of me when I needed it most."
Tails was confused, Cosmo noticed that and explained: "I had nothing more to live for, only the hope to stop Metarex and save who we could... I was lonely in the universe and you gave me a place to call home."
Tails smiled, the Cosmo continued: "I was desperate, no more family, no more friends, nothing at all for me in this universe... and with you, I could smile once again.
Metarex destroyed everything I had, leaving me with nothing, not even dust to cry on it... while you, you gave me everything Tails... you took care of me when I needed you most Tails, do I really have to explain you the reason that I love you?"
Tails was red with a huge smile, he answered: "Not at all Cosmo."
Then they kissed eachother once again.

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