MARRIAGE 6: Touchy moments

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They had 3 matches, actually Cosmo discovered to be better than how she thought, she loved that game.
Tails couldn't be more happy to see that wonderful smile on Cosmo's face, Sonic and Amy weren't different.

It was Cosmo herself who asked for more matches, otherwise they would have done only a game, but she insisted and they made more matches, after those they literally had enough of playing bowling.

Cosmo: "Uff, guys, these were wonderful matches, thanks."
Tails: "You sure enjoyed them Cosmo."
Cosmo: "Of course I did, I loved them."
Sonic: "You impressed me, it was your first time, and you even won."
Cosmo: "Thanks Sonic."

They had a little chat, after a while they decided to take a drink and then leave, while they were restoring themselves, Tails asked: "So, what do we want to do now guys?"
Amy: "It's your marriage guys, you should decide."
Tails: "Oh, ok." then he looked to Cosmo and asked: "What do you think?"
Cosmo: "I don't know, what did we had in our mind before."

Tails took a while to remember, then he decided: "What do you think if we now go for a movie, then we will relax in a hot tub all together?"
Amy: "Come on Sonic, you can do it if you want."
Sonic: "NO WAY!"
Tails: "Fine, then you can stay out of water if you wish, however, what do you say for now? Movie?"
Cosmo: "Yeah, I'd love it."
Amy: "Let's go then."
Sonic, still shocked by water, couldn't answer at all, but he decided to follow them.


They made their way to the cinema, once they got there Tails asked: "What movie do you want to see guys?"
Sonic was up to answer, but Amy answered first: "It's your marriage, you should decide the movie, not us."
Tails accepted Amy's idea, but he had no idea looking at the list, so he asked Cosmo to decide for everyone.
Cosmo took a look to the list of the movie and one of them that inspired her very much.
She whispered to Tails: "Look at Coco, it remembers me about you playing the guitar."
Tails smiled and said: "Well, then it's decided, let's see this movie!"

Tails took Cosmo's hand and headed to take 4 tickets, Sonic and Amy followed them, after taking drinks and pop corn, they headed for the projection room.
They took a seat, of course, next to their love and started enjoying the movie, actually, it caught them quite soon.


Once the movie was over they got out the cinema, they loved the movie very much.
When they got outside, Tails hugged Cosmo and said: "Cosmo, that was a wonderful movie, GREAT CHOICE!".
Cosmo blushed for that, then Sonic and Amy hugged her too saying the same, Cosmo didn't know what to say, except thanking them and hugging them back.

When they were up to broke, Tails kept her and said: "Cosmo, you actually amazed me today, it's the 2nd time you have a so wonderful idea."
Cosmo: "What do you mean?"

Tails broke and said: "Ok guys, now we said to go for a swimming pool, do you know where we can go?"
Sonic: "Tails, please, you know I hate water."
Tails was up to answer, but Cosmo said first: "Sonic, you forced me to come with you, 1st on extreme gear, then on bowling... actually I loved them, but I came because you told me to, so please, now it's your turn."

Tails and Cosmo were up to continue, but Amy blocked them and said first: "Sonic, if you don't want to come and have a bath it's fine, but please, just keep us company."
Sonic sighed and said: "Ok, but don't try to force me having a bath, ok?"
Amy: "Promised!" but she kept her finger crossed behind her back, Tails and Cosmo noticed that and smiled.

Tails: "However, where do we go? I don't know any swimming pool that might be open today."
Cosmo: "Why don't we go in our spaceship Tails? I love that swimming pool."
Tails loved that idea, so he said loud: "COSMO! I LOVE YOUR IDEA!"
Sonic and Amy couldn't understand what she meant, Sonic asked: "A spaceship?"
Tails: "Just come with us guys."
They headed for the spaceship that Tails and Cosmo used twice, they had in mind to use the swimming pool that was there.


While they were heading there, Tails was alone with Cosmo, so he said: "Cosmo, about what I said before: Today you really amazed me with your 3 wonderful ideas."
Cosmo: "Really?"
Tails: "Yeah, I really loved using my extreme gear for a nice and calm run, I enjoyed the sight of everything around me... then you choosed a wonderful movie, now you had a wonderful idea about the swimming pool, you really amazed me Cosmo!"

Cosmo was red, she said: "I've done nothing Tails."
Tails: "You're wrong, you've made our day better than ever, I love you Cosmo." he got closer and hugged her with a tail, she loved it.

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