Sexy time ninja's

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Sharty Pukey and Keanu Reeves three secret agents of the sky lord they worship neon genesis evangelian god of tv commercial. They beg for soup in their blistered hands they use for cartwheels. Sharty the sexiest one of the three has a sexy boyfriend named calum hood he was in that 5sos band you might've heard about or whatever. Keanu Reeves has a sexy boyfriend named Norman Reedus star of the walking dead and that sexy cool lady gaga music video. Pukey has micheal Myers as a boyfriend and Pukey is sexy and smartest person alive not addicted to drugs either and always has uneven makeup. Sharty pity's Pukey for having empathy towards men. They were on a secret mission to a hotel. OMG gasp ONLY ONE BED? Inuyasha comes and cuddles them and they have a big projector they watch the first Frozen and have mountains of sushi all to themselves (yam avacodo and cucumber sushi specifically) Pukey eats Shartys regurgitated yam rolls because she arrived late, it gave them a spice that made them even better😩
Sharty tries really hard to not get dizzy when she looks at Pukey and Keanu reeves, they make her feel faint. Sharty is always on the brink of DEATH Keanu reeves hopes her little acts of affection help Sharty from dying forever #BFFs #slay

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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