Cannibal Pies

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Chapter 1

A Shiver ran down my spine as I heard the voice. A cold, disembodied voice was breathing down the back of my neck. "I have a job for you," the voice said. Beady eyes from all around the room were on me. The room was silent as I turned around to see who this voice belonged to. A tall man stood behind me with a malicious smile. "What is the job you want me to do?" I asked. "Follow me," He said as he walked away.

I followed him out of the main dining area in the restaurant into the kitchen. When we got to the kitchen, I asked him "Who are you and why do you want me to do a job for you?".

"I am Chef Spicer, owner of this restaurant. I saw that you were new to this restaurant and since one of my workers just resigned, I decided that you would be a perfect fit for the job. Of course only if you want to."

"I only just moved here so I do need a new job. I will take it!" I said Enthusiastically.

"Ok, you start tomorrow. Meet me at 29-warehouse road at 9.30 am. Don't be late." He said in a stern voice. He then led me out of the restaurant via the back door. My mind was racing but I knew that this was going to be great.

Chapter 2

'This is the place' I thought to myself. The door eerily opened and out strolled out Chef Spicer. He passed me a file and a big black garbage bag. "Don't come back empty-handed," He said menacingly. I looked at the file and was shocked by what I saw. The entire file was filled with all the information of a person called Kevin Dert. Where he lived, where he worked and how to kill him. "How did this guy know it was me?" I thought to myself. I realized he must be like me. Crazy.

I waited until this Kevin guy was on his nightly walk. "It's like he wanted this to happen," I thought to myself. I waited until he passed the bush I was hiding in and I sprung at him. Tying his ankles together so he couldn't run. Slitting the back of his neck at just the right spot to instantly kill him. It was over so fast. I shoved his motionless body into the large garbage bag I had been given. The best thing about this guy is no one would notice him gone. He was an average guy with an average job living an average life. I made my way back to the warehouse in the quiet, dark night.

Chapter 3

"Congratulations," exclaimed Spicer sounding quite impressed. "Spicer," I said, "The crazy cannibal cooker that went missing ten years ago,". "Silencer," he said with a grin. He knew who I was. " The silent killer that never left a trace," He remarked, "Now let's get cooking!".

Once a month the famous Spicer pie was available with the mystery meat. No one who was alive knew what the meat was except The Chef and Silencer. On the twelfth day of every month, the restaurant was packed with everyone wanting to try and guess what the "Mystery Meat" was. Some thought it was pork and some flavouring, some thought it was a mixture of meat, some thought it was a secret family recipe with some spices. None of them were right. The meat was none other than the meat of a freshly killed human. They were all eating human and loving it. I found it quite funny. Would they act differently if they knew? Society works with lies and twisted truths.

Chapter 4

This went on for many months. Me killing and him cooking. After a while, he told me that if he were to be found out or if he died that I would take over the Restaurant. I would inherit all his belongs. I knew at this moment I had to kill him. This restaurant earns a massive amount of money and I know the recipe for the Mystery Meat pie and all the other pies. I could run this restaurant all on my own. He played along with my plan like a rookie. He trusted me and I will betray him like I've done to everyone else. My parents and friends and strangers all dying of mysterious deaths and somehow no one linked it back to me. I get business people to trust me and then I take their business and sell it. I'm rich but no one even knows the real me exists because I went 'missing' when I was 16 and I was presumed dead. I framed my parents' murder as suicide because they were that depressed, in reality, they couldn't be happier. I was a burden. My friends were easy because they always did dangerous and crazy stuff. They all went out in a caving accident. All trapped in a cave and died from drowning when it rained. Now I need to find a crazy and mysterious way to kill Chef Spicer.

Chapter 5

It's been two years since I have to make a mysterious accident. I was honestly wondering if I still had the knack for it. I knew my plan was perfect and it was just the right time it put it into action. "How about we both go to this murder party together?" I inquired. "It has been quite some time since I have done that" He replied, "I think I shall join." "Great," I said with a sinister tone.

As we waited for our victim, I could see that he was getting old. His hair was grey, and he had wrinkles. His death would be recorded as a natural cause. The victim was there just like I had planned, and he was out like a light. We made our way back to the kitchen with the victim's body in a bag. He was cooked up and prepared for the pies. I wanted to make sure that Spicer was enjoying this since it would be the last meal he would ever make.

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