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"SHIT!" The man slapped his hands on the window sill as he watched the woman jump from the window. She fell back first into the bush below while covering her baby's head with the curtain. She quickly climbed herself out and started to run towards the back of the house.

"ILIANA!" She heard him shout from somewhere in front of the house, no doubt making his way towards her direction. But she needed to run as quickly as possible to find some cover, somewhere to hide until it was dark enough to move freely enough. The sun was already setting and the temperature was dropping. She knew it was a huge risk, but she had to take it for the sake of her baby.

She ran through the brush, acquiring multiple cuts and scratches to her arms and face, some lowere branches were tearing through her pants. She still had a protective arm over Zach's head. Iliana felt leaves and branches snap under her feet. She ducked under a branch and looked behind her briefly to see if there was any sign of the man. She turned ahead and tripped over a root that was above ground. She fell forward, but used her free arm to break her fall and pushed herself to her feet and kept running.

She looked down to check on Zach who quieted down, looking more scared than anything. His blue eyes met with her green ones and he seemed to relax a bit and she smiled and kissed his forehead and covered his head again. "ILIANA!" She could hear the man's voice echo. She didn't know where it came from but he sounded too close for comfort. She crawled under a bush and turned on her side and curled up. Zach stayed quiet, bit too scared to make any noise.

She heard the sound of leaves crunching and the sound of foosteps grow closer and she hugged the baby close to her, praying that he would be quiet. She saw the man's shoes and he stood right in front of her. She held her breath, not moving an inch. "ILIANA!" He bellowed which caused her and the baby to jump slightly but it didn't give their location away.

There was a pregnant pause before the man swore under his breath and started to stomp away looking for them. She didn't dare move from her spot. She just laid their holding onto her baby. "It's going to be okay, Zachy." She whispered as she kissed the top of his head and the baby sniffled. She rubbed his back and she closed her eyes for a moment. "We just have to wait here a moment." She said softly as she closed her eyes for a bit.


"Where is that stupid girl?! She's playing with my money!" A voice bellowed from outside the girl's hiding place. Iliana was hiding under the floorboard in her room. She had just sneaked into it just before he walked in. While his back was turned, she slowly moved the plank into its proper place so he wouldn't get suspicious.

"Santiago, she's just a child. Alex's child. This is wrong-" The woman said as she stepped into the room. She had soft features, honey brown eyes and melanated skin. Her dark brown hair waved loosely down her back. She had a thick Italian accent. "What has gotten into you, lately?" She asked as she stood in his way, with her hands on her waist.

"Giovanna, I'm not in the mood. Help me look for the brat or move out of the way-" The man glared at her. His complexion was lighter than hers and he had a goatee, his dark hair was slicked back. He was wearing a red button up that was tucked into his black slacks.

Iliana stared through the crack in the floor, careful not to move or make a sound, but she was terrified. She was just waiting for the right to escape and possibly run away.

"She's eleven! ELEVEN SANTIAGO! And you're tossing her to these grown men for money?! I can't stand by and let you do this to her!" She shouted.

"If you don't like it you can leave. No one is asking you to stay. Why are you still here anyways?" He asked as he looked around the room, starting to throw things around in search for the small girl.

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