Writer's Announcement

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Hello there! So I had been thinking of writing a Hosie story and I think I’m finally going to do it. I know my writing skills aren’t amazing but hopefully I can make it make sense and an interesting story to read. I don’t know when I will start it exactly, hopefully I will soon. And hopefully I will be able to update the story at least once a week. I just hope that people will like this new story because I have many ideas I wanna do with it. So this was just a little part I wanted to have before I started writing to just say hi, I hope you enjoy, and hope you understand that I may not update like every day. Oh and another thing, the chapters will probably just be numbered because I’m not great with coming up with chapter names.

All characters are property of Legacies put out by CW. I DO NOT own any of the main characters and most side characters! I may add my own at some point but the majority of the characters I DO NOT own.

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