Chapter 10

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Josie's P.O.V.
    While everyone was focused on Hope, I asked Finch if we could talk. We headed off in the distance, far enough away so vampire ears couldn't hear us. Once we were far enough, I sighed softly, afraid of how this would play out. I look at Finch, who still looks mad at me and I hated her being mad at me. "Look, I'm sorry for not telling you that I was leaving Finch. It all happened so fast and I wasn't even thinking. I mean we talked to my dad about it, went to pack, slept, and then left in the morning. It was all so fast. I know you're mad and I'm sorry." I said and looked down a bit, scared of what she'll say next. "Jo, I'm not mad at you for leaving without telling me anymore." I look up at her, curious on why she was mad. "Wait, then why are you mad at me?" I asked, getting more nervous of her response. "Come on Josie. You're always choosing her over me." "N-no I'm not." "That night we were supposed to have our date, you went after her." I rolled my eyes a bit at that since she brought it up. "I told you, she needed me." "No Jo. She's the tribrid who almost fed from Landon. Key word, almost! She can take care of herself. She didn't need you. You needed to make sure she was okay. And you chose that over our date." "No, she did need me." "I don't think she really did. And not only that but then you left to go on vacation and it wasn't originally a vacation, I know it wasn't. It was to support Hope and to make sure she's doing well in her training." I didn't know what to say about that one because she was right about that. I did want to come to support Hope. "And another thing, the moment you knew she would have to become the tribrid to stop Malivore, you kept researching to try and find a way she wouldn't have to become the tribrid." "I wasn't the only one, everyone else was too because none of us wanted that for her, not even herself." "Okay then. Tell me right now, do you or do you not have feelings for Hope?" "Finch, you're my girlfriend and I love you. I do not have feelings for Hope." I said and she looked like she didn't fully believe me but she seemed to ignore it. But why did it feel like I was lying? I don't have feelings for Hope. Those feelings were years ago and have been gone way before I met Finch. "And I'll prove it." I said and grabbed a hold of Finch, pulling her closer to me. I leaned in and kissed her gently but with passion. After I pulled away, she looked at me and smiled. "If you're going to kiss me like that after we've had a fight, maybe we should fight more often." I rolled my eyes but smiled at her. "Oh shut up." I think we're okay now. I think she forgives me, for the most part. But a part of me still wonders if she still thinks I have feelings for Hope. But then again, if I don't have feelings for Hope then why did it feel like I lied to her about having feelings for Hope?

Hope's P.O.V.
    As everyone continued to talk about whatever, I noticed Josie and Finch coming back, holding hands. Why did I suddenly feel hungry? I wasn't before. Could uncle Kol be right? But if he is, then what am I hiding from myself? I felt this feeling overtake me and I couldn't stop it. "Hope?" I hear Dr. Saltzman ask. "Uh yeah?" "Hey, are you okay?" He asked and I looked at him but then my eyes somehow found Josie and Finch. Josie looked at me and looked worried. I guess everyone could see something was up because everyone was staring at me now. "I'm fine. I just need a moment." I said and before anyone else could say anything, I sped away from everyone. That's one good thing about vampires, the speed. Can get you anywhere in seconds but also away from somewhere in seconds. I just kept running until I eventually found my way to one of my hide away spots. Places I go when I needed to be alone. "Mom, I wish you were here. Maybe you'd have answers." I said as I sat down and closed my eyes. What the hell is going on with me?

Rebekah's P.O.V.
    I heard a bunch of commotion outside and walked outside to see what was happening. When I do get out the door, I see a giant RV, Alaric Saltzman, and bunch of kids who I assumed were students of his and friends of Hope. "What the hell is this about? Well if it isn't Alaric Saltzman. Never thought I'd see you in my driveway." "Hello Rebekah." I never really liked him but there was a part of me that was okay with him now, considering he's been taking care of Hope. "What is going on?" "Oh the kids and I wanted to be here for Hope and the best way was a little vacation. Actually I need a favor. Mind if we park the RV here?" I rolled my eyes, knowing he probably would've asked that when I noticed the giant RV. "You know I never really liked you." When I said that, the kids seemed to look like they wanted to say something but didn't. "But." I stopped myself and sighed softly. "You have been taking care of my niece and I guess I can let you keep that atrocity in our driveway." "Thank you Rebekah. And don't worry, the kids can all sleep in the RV so you won't have to worry about more kids inside." "Thank you. We all just wanted to be supportive of Hope, since she does so much for us." One of the kids said. This is going to be more hectic than I originally thought it would be. "Speaking of Hope, where is she?" I notice Josie step a bit closer. "She kinda freaked and ran off." Josie looked worried. I still can't help but believe they have something between them. "Probably too much at once. I'm sure she'll be fine. She probably ran off to one of her secret spots." I knew Hope and if they knew her like I did, they knew she needed to be alone. Hope was usually a lone wolf when it came to certain things, especially her own feelings. But by the look on Josie's face, I knew she probably wouldn't let it go until she knew Hope was okay. It's best to try and distract her. "How about we all go inside and get some food. We can have a huge introduction and explain everything to my siblings." Everyone nodded and I lead them all inside.

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