chapter 3 best fronds

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Anne screams as y/n woke up from anne screaming loudly

Anne:guys guys guys i just had the craziest dreams i was trapped in a world of frog pe-

Planters looked at anne as also y/n did the same with a really look

Y/n:yea not a dream anne


Sprig:hey anne hey y/n did ya sleep well

Hop pop:careful boy they cloud be hungry-

Polly:for your guts!

Anne/y/n:eeewwwww i am not gonna eat that clearly doesn't baith

Hop pop:fair point

Sprig:see tolled it was harmless

Y/n:yea were harmless *whisper*unless you hurt anne and ill slice your head and stick it on to a spear

Hop pop:what was that y/n?

Y/n:oh nothing

Hop pop:okay hmp for now

Polly:just give me a excuse old doris here

As so polly hoped away

Anne:i think the little one wants to kill me

Y/n:i like her confidence

Sprig:yup, so you must be so excited to trap into a anthor world very  jealous

Anne:Ha its not all that i miss my home my stuff especially my friends

As anne took the picture and passed it to sprig

Anne:without them i feel kinda offense y/n

Y/n gave her a really face

Anne:dude i said no offense

Y/n:ya i guess i feel kinda lost too

Sprig:well then why dont i be your freind then in the mean time includes y/n

Y/n:i was gonna be your friend anyways but sure im in



Sprig:c'mon it will be fun what did you together

Anne:everything marathon dum TV shows drink booba until-

Y/n:until be barf

Anne:hang out at the beach

Sprig:oh we've got a lake maybe you two will go with me will make you two less homesick


Sprig:yea yea yea


Sprig:its gonna be great

Sprig:its gonna be great

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