Alpha Has Arisen

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             Three weeks before the birthday ball, everyone was eating dinner when suddenly the power went out.

Beta Mark commanded, "I'm sure it's just the storm but I will ask patrol to check it out."

A short while later, patrol mind linked the high-ranked wolves in a panic. "Alpha family, the line was cut. We smell rogues."

"All fighters prepare yourselves. Rogues in the territory." Alpha Edward responded back to the wider pack.

Rogues had teamed up with a neighboring pack to have greater numbers. The Elk Ridge pack leaders had assembled in front of the packhouse assessing the size of the force that approached them.

"We have no lines of communication to ask for aid. We'll have to hold them off and send our fastest runner to the White Mountain pack." Alpha commanded. Grant and Beta Mark exchanged a look.

Sarah heard their voices in her head at once.

Sarah, we need you.

Run as fast as you can to neighboring pack and ask for aid.

Tell them we are under attack and that we will pay for their fighter's assistance.

Sarah looked at her parent's wolves and then darted away. She ran as fast as she was able with the fear of losing everyone she loved driving her.

Meanwhile, the fight raged for hours with wolves fighting, submitting, dodging, and healing again. While Grant was engaged with 3 rogues, he felt the connection to his father suddenly and alarmingly snap. He looked over and saw him lying on his side with the neighboring Alpha over him, jaws clamped on his neck.

Our Alpha has fallen. Grant didn't need to relay the information as everyone felt the loss but putting words to it helped him get over the shock. Grant howled in agony and moved to challenge the Alpha, using the rage from the loss of his father to regain his strength. He growled and stomped the ground with his paw, launching his weight forward in a full-frontal flying leap. He lowered his head just before contact and hit the Alpha in his neck. The Alpha had moved to claw Grant's neck but hesitated when the air was knocked out of him. They separated and circled each other, saliva dripping from their open snarling mouths. The Alpha returned Grant's charge with one of his own but Grant rolled to the side at the last second, pushed out of his roll and turned back to bite the tail of the Alpha who had landed on open ground. The Alpha gave a short whine before running several feet away. Grant was growing tired and knew he needed to end the challenge swiftly. He charged once more hoping the Alpha would think he was going to head butt him again, but just before the collision he planted his front paws in a slide and turned to clamp down on his neck. Defeating him with a crunch. The invading pack howled in fear and began to retreat once their Alpha was lost, but the rogues continued to fight for the territory that was promised to them.


When Sarah got to the White Mountain territory line she was panting heavily. She was intercepted by their patrol and after shifting, asked them to relay the situation to their Alpha. He and several warriors met her at the boundary line. She stood nude before them but did not have it in her to worry about modesty when her packs lives were at stake.

"Why would they send a young female and not a warrior to deliver this message?" one of the Betas asked with disgust. "It's probably a trick."

Sarah having caught her breath while she waited marched over to him and kicked his legs out from under him. "They sent me, because I'm the fastest. Don't underestimate me. Now get off your ass and help us, or your pack is next."

She then turned to the Alpha and bowed her neck in submission. What did I just do? I just attacked his Beta, now he'll never help us. He might just kill me.

The Alpha smiled at her head, "Well, I guess that solidifies our choice. SHIFT." And with his Alpha command they all did and ran forward to battle. Sarah fell in behind the Alpha and they raced back to her home.

An hour later they joined the fray, most wolves still fighting were exhausted. Sarah scanned the field for Grant and found him limping but circling a rogue. When the reinforcing pack took over the fight, Grant's shoulders sagged in relief. She ran to him and nuzzled his neck.

A chain of emotion and concern burst forth from Grant. My father has fallen. What will happen to the pack? To my mother?

Sarah's wolf sat before him and gave careful consideration to her message, "While our Alpha has fallen, he has also arisen. You defeated the wolf who challenged your father, I assume? You are ready to lead us. Let's show our gratitude to the White Mountain Alpha and we will deal with the repercussions for the pack together."

Grant lowered his head in acceptance before shifting naked and turning to the Alpha who had done the same.

"Thank you for coming to our aid. What payment would you request?"

The Alpha wasted no time, "I want Sarah transferred to my pack."

Grant stood taller while Sarah's eyes grew wide and searched both their faces to gauge the possibility, whilst ignoring their naked lower halves. Grant broke the silence first, "Impossible. Ask for anything else."

The Alpha frowned, "she is very valuable, yes?" he paused in thought before changing the offering, "I am sorry to learn that your father has passed. He was very protective of this pack and was not much for alliances as he deemed them untrustworthy. While I regret the circumstances, I hoped this day would come that he would reach out to measure my pack's loyalty. What I would like is for our packs to form an alliance with shared hunting grounds and shared training. I would like to develop female warriors of similar caliber as your Sarah."

Grant looked over at her with brows furrowed. Sarah was not known for being the best fighter. There was a secret to be shared between them later by the way she couldn't meet his eyes. Looking back at the Alpha, "Your terms are accepted. I will see you to the boundary and will draft up a new map of the proposed shared hunting grounds next week. With your reply, we can begin negotiations on training strategies."

The Alpha accepted his handshake and moved to rub Sarah's wolfish ear before turning away, "a pity we shall not have you join us. It was a pleasure to meet you tonight."

Sarah nodded meekly and let out a huff when the males were out of sight. She looked around at the battlefield and all the wounded. Beta Mark, is it not time to alert the hidden females and healers that it is safe to come out and assist? He shook out of his trance and agreed, sending a mind link to all.

Sarah's mother quickly arrived, and she and Chloe began to help load up wolves onto cots. Once the field was cleared, Sarah glanced over to witness their Luna sobbing over her mate. No one had approached her in comfort. Hesitantly, Sarah made her way over and sat beside her quietly. The Alpha was the last to be removed from the field as he would have wanted. Grant and a handful of males helped to bury him and their other losses.

What should we do with the fallen enemies, Alpha? someone asked.

Drag them to the cliffs and throw them out of our territory. 

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