Please Excuse Us

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"Please be seated" Grant offered Nya, pulling the chair out for her before taking his seat at dinner, "So Nya, I'm sure you are glad to have found out your mate is an Alpha."

She smiled with false modesty, "I had high expectations for the moon goddess, so not terribly surprised. I will be happy to lead your pack," Nya stated with overexuberance.

Grant frowned, "I want to propose a trial period while we get to know each other. I have had a close friend assisting with Luna duties since my mother passed and would like to see her help ready you for your role. Of course, you will need to meet the pack as well."

Nya shifted uncomfortably in her miniskirt, "is this not unusual behavior? Wouldn't you much rather complete the mating, we are true mates after all and it's not like we won't enjoy ourselves."

He tried hard to keep from lashing out in anger, "No, we will not complete the mating yet."

"Is there someone else? You know I am the only one who can give this pack an heir; it's not like you can reject me. We must complete the bond to produce offspring. I can't just be your sidepiece, " Nya added matter of factly.

Grant slammed a fist on the table and rose. The pull was already overpowering him, "A one-month trial period is what I require. I shall send word to your father of your extended stay." He avoided her questions and excused himself.


Midday, Chloe had received a mind-link from Scott that the mateable female turned out to be Grant's fated mate. Chloe unfortunately could not contain her natural growl.

"What is it?" Sarah asked red-eyed.

Chloe could not meet her best friends' eye. Instead, she strummed her fingertips over her belly.

"Just tell me Chloe."

"Well, it seems the moon goddess has really got her knickers in a twist today because when Grant returned back to the pack house he met his mate."

Sarah stopped breathing and her eyes locked wide in a fixed panic. Chloe waited patiently for her to say something, anything.

Sarah looked numb as she responded, suddenly dry of tears, "Oh. Okay. Well. That's good for the pack, I guess. At least Grant won't be disappointed it wasn't me for any length of time. I should be happy for him. Right?"

Chloe scoffed in disagreement, "I dunno Sarah. But I do know you shouldn't be worried about the pack or him right now, how are you? What are you going to do now? Are you going to go look for your mate to get away for awhile?"

Sarah thought for a while, "No, I still do not want to leave the pack as of right now. My life is here. I'll just, hand over the Luna duties and continue with my baked goods and combat training. I might like to try gardening too."

Chloe looked at her like she was actively growing a third eye at that last comment. "Well, whatever comes next. You know I'm here for you."

Sarah nodded silently.


The next day when Sarah joined the pack for breakfast, she noticed some members were sneaking a look at her. Others were extra caring and patted her on the shoulder as they walked past. Some simply looked at her with sadness. Everyone knew she turned 18 yesterday and everyone had just assumed she and Grant would be together as they had gossiped and speculated about over the years. News had spread fast about the new Luna Female in the pack.

               Later during their training session, Scott was allowing Sarah to vent some of her turmoil on him. Chloe was no longer able to train given the pregnancy. Everyone was surprised when Grant arrived escorting Nya on his arm.

               "Good afternoon everyone. I'd like you to meet Nya, my fated mate." Grant stated stiffly. The gathering murmured their welcomes as Sarah made a sweeping glance before fixating on a distant tree. Of course, she is beautiful she thought to herself, but a bit miserable looking.

               Nya grabbed Grant's arm in angry surprise, "You allow your women to train?"

               "We do. Everyone should be able to defend themselves, would you care to join in the lessons while you are here?" he asked her.

She gave a modest sneer, "I think I am too delicate for such an activity. We only have male fighters in my pack. Perhaps if your males are not suitable protectors, we should have them train more often?"

               Grant, like everyone else, turned to her in outrage. He grabbed her elbow and gently steered her away muttering a 'please excuse us'.

               Scott was the first to break the silence, "well, our future Luna thinks we should train more, so let us get back to it."

               Sarah paid no attention to the meaning behind Grant's while you are here comment. She just assumed that Nya would have to return home at some point to gather some belongings.


The next day Sarah had been asked to teach Nya some of her Luna duties. While she was in agony over the experience, she knew it was her duty to be helpful in this way. Sarah had just finished explaining that when mating bonds were recognized couples would present to the Luna to have their bond recorded and a date set for their mating ceremony. She explained how most ceremonies took place in the meadow out front and that each couple was given a monetary mating gift and a cabin to house their new family if none were already available.

               It was at this point that Nya interrupted, "we provide them with a home and money? Surely, that is excessive and draining to pack funds?"

               Sarah replied patiently, "Actually our funds are exceedingly healthy. Grant wants to continue his parents' tradition of blessing new unions within his pack."

               "Shouldn't you be calling him Alpha Grant?" Nya asked with scorn.

               "Yes of course, Alpha Grant."

               "Well, we shall see about these blessings and determine how we can save more money." And with that comment the rest of the day's lessons followed in a similar fashion.

Sarah was growing angrier by the hour. How dare the moon goddess give this woman to Grant? It seems almost anyone else would be better suited than her? The pack won't understand her changes.

It only got worse at dinner when Nya insulted the omega's food, claiming it was overcooked and dry. This was only after her pecking at her plate with her fingers like she was trying to determine if it was poisoned. Several pack members took notice and scowled, but they wanted their Alpha to have his true mate.

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