Chapter 20

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Normani, Maya, and Dinah left the hospital and started heading to the park so Maya could play for a while until it was time for them to head to the store to by more food for the house on the way to the park they stopped at McDonald's to get lunch Normani got a text from Kylie to see if they were still going to the pool party next weekend Normani then looked at Dinah and asked her if they were still going to the pool party Dinah said yes ofc we're still going but we have to find a babysitter for Maya kids won't be at the party so what time is the party Dinah asked.

I'm not sure yet but I'll ask Kylie I'll text her again Normani said.

Kylie & Normani's messages

Mani😌💕: Hey Kylie I have one more question about the party next week.

Kyky🤪💗: What's your question about?

Mani😌💕: What time will the party be exactly because Dinah and I have to drop Maya off at my mama's house.

Kyky🤪💗: About like 2:00 2:30 pm but the party ends at midnight.

Mani😌💕: Ok that sounds great with me but I'm go now I'll ttyl bye kyky.

Kyky🤪💗: Bye mani.

Dinah and Mama Drea

Second child💕: Mama can you do me a favor please.

Mother in law 😘: Dinah what can I help you with my other child.

Second child💕: Can you babysit Maya next weekend because Mani and I are going to Kylie's pool party.

Mother in law 😘: Dinah your lucky I love you and your daughter yes I can watch my grandbaby but don't bring more.

Second child💕: Aww why not I'm playing mama and I love you too.

Mother in law😘: So what time are you bringing her over next week.

Second child💕: around 1:30 pm on Friday because the party is on Saturday but we'll her bring Friday.

Mother in law😘: Why don't y'all just bring her Monday so we can spend the whole day together from Monday-Sunday and y'all can have her back afterwards.

Second child💕: I mean don't you think she'll be a handful.

Mother in law😘: Dinah you're talking to someone who raised Normani she was more of a handful trust me.

Second child💕: I bet she was a handful but I guess we can drop her off Monday.

Mother in law😘: Alright I'll see y'all Monday love you and tell Normani I love her too.

Second child💕: Love you too and and I will tell her.

Normani and Dinah were sitting on the park bench while Maya was playing they heard a loud scream that sounded just like Maya's and Normani's mom senses hit her  so she got up and ran to Maya and grabbed her face and moved it left to right to make sure there was no cuts or scratches on her face Yaya are you ok yeah Mama I'm fine just a little dirt but I'm ok Normani then used her spit to clean the side of Maya's face.

Mama stop cleaning my face it's nasty when Mani finished cleaning Maya's face they heard another loud scream and they ran to the little girl that was screaming Maya walked closer to her hey are you ok what happened where's your mama at the little girl looked up and said I don't know My mama died after my brother was born my dad died when I was four and I don't know about my grandma the little girl finished Normani came up behind Maya and Normani asked her what her name and age was.

My name is Lexi Washington and I'm six years old and my brother his name is Leon Washington and he's eleven months old when Normani heard that she has a eleven month old brother she knew that she had to help them out Normani was thinking about taking them to foster care but then she thought what if her and Dinah take care of them Lexi then spoke and said that she can't go back and kept repeating herself then started crying Dinah walked over to Normani and Maya and wondering if they were ready to go mani stood up and grabbed Dinah and walked away Dinah do you think we can take care of two more kids.

To be continued...!

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