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Jiwoo_jeon : I am going for a visit at my brother's place|| mention: { jungkook_bts.
Comments: Dont leave us !! | rose_BP Cant wait to see you | RM_bts Finally you are coming back i miss you.... Its so lame without you unniee | v_bts
Hopefully we can meet in bts sign up i am big fan of you Jiwoo | army_forever •replied back • Me too I want to meet up with army too !! | Jiwoo_jeon
I need to tell you something baby|bambam_got7
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Forget my words god knows i love you so much but its not working out i am sorry 😔 { mention: jiwoo_jeon} |bambam_Got7
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Jiwoo p.o.v: I heard that my phone went on and saw a notification. I open and read it . I Felt I just got stab at the heart. I started crying 😭, I couldn't stop crying it hurt me soo much. So I throw my phone on the ground and I try to sleep but I can't so I start to tear up and went sleep.
Next day
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Jiwoo p.o.v: I woke up with my eyes all puffy and red so I got up from my bed look for my phone. I find it and unlock it. The first thing that popped up was my messages from Felix, jackson, suga, jungkook. I click on felixes first
Message w/ felix I heard about your broke up so for my treat I will take you out for breakfast tomorrow at 10 okay good night jiwoo 💓: felix I just smile at the message he seem me. I replied bk 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Thank you oppa : jiwoo
Message w/ suga Hey I heard what happened if you ever want to talk I'm here to talk I love you don't ever feel lonely me and bts love you so much : suga
Thank you so much oppa i love ya: jiwoo
Message w/kookie: Noona you okay: kookie That jerk: kookie I am good oppa I love you oppa : jiwoo