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Jeon_jiwoo bye to south korea say hello to mexico city
Comments: Rose_are_rosie• already missing you Hater1 • finally shes gone Jeon_jiwoo respond to Hater1 • if you dont like me get off my page Kpoplover • aww why you left unnie Jeon_jiwoo respond to Kpoplover• to vist my mother and my dad Jennierubyjane•when u coming back ?? Jeon_jiwoo respond to Jennierubyjane• i dont know today is Friday i come home at Sunday so yeah it wont be long i gotta go jenny
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[ On a Saturday moring ] 3rdpov???? : Jiwoo arrived at her house safe and she went to sleep . Back with the story blinks 💖🖤 Good morning mom and dad ~ jiwoo Moring hun said her mom and dad with a big smile in thier face. Dad can u take me a picture plzx said jiwoo with a pout face yeah sure hun anything for my princess her dad say 3rd pov ???? : jiwoo dad took her picture and they eat. they both went to do what they have to do and jiwoo put her picture up in instagram
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Jeon_jiwoo good morning credits to my dad who took this picture for me love u dad
Comments : Rose_are_rosie• good morning where u going ?? Jeon_jiwoo respond to Rose_are_rosie • no where User • Beauty queen 👑 Creater likes the comment Jiwooisthequeen•queen ❤️ Jeon_jiwoo respond to Jiwooisthequeen• thank you sweetie Jisoo_ooo• i like ur hair Creater likes the comment
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