❀ VI ❀

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A/N: This story will loosely follow the plot of the game but with some details changed here and there. Hopefully that's not a turn-off for some readers. Love you all!!!

The following afternoon, Izanami was in Liyue Harbor, alone. She had left Wangshu Inn early in the morning to travel to the city in search of someone who was willing to saip through the treacherous storm that protected Inazuma from outsiders. She had asked a handful of sailors, but all of them refused. She was disheartened by their refusals, but she didn't blame them. They were simply trying to protect their lives' work. It would be a shame if their vessels were damaged beyond repair or sunk because of her seemingly selfish request.

Deciding to try another day, the shinigami wandered the streets of Liyue Harbor for a couple hours to clear her head before returning to the inn. She rode the lift to the top and headed to the upper balcony in search of Xiao. Instead of finding the adeptus, she found two familiar faces--Aether and Paimon. She never expected them to come here. "I never expected to see you two here of all places."

Aether smiled at the shinigami. "It's great to see you again, Izanami."

"What brings you here?"

"There was some minor trouble in Liyue Harbor..."

She arched a brow in confusion. "Like what?"

"Well, um..." The blonde rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Rex Lapis is dead and the Millelith are convinced we're the ones who killed him. Someone told us to meet with the adepti to clear our names. We heard one lives here at the inn."

Izanami bit the inside of her cheek, knowing there was no murderer to catch. Morax himself faked his own death to relieve himself of his archon duties, knowing Liyue no longer needed him. However, the ex-god didn't intend for a random innocent person to be blamed for his "death." This was something she would have to tell Zhongli. "Oh, you mean Xiao?"

"You know him?" Paimon asked.

She nodded with a bashful smile. "We're quite close, actually."

"Is there a way we can speak to him?" Aether pondered.

"Well, um..." The shinigami fiddled with her fingers. "Xiao prefers not to be in the company of mortals due to some...certain circumstances. But if you really want to try and speak to him, he does have a soft spot for almond tofu. I can help you make a serving if you'd like."

"We'd appreciate the help very much!"

"Then let's head to the kitchen. Yanxiao always lets me use it whenever I want to cook."

Aether and Paimon followed Izanami to the kitchen. There, they followed her instructions and made a serving of almond tofu. To add to the meal, Aether made his specialty--a satisfying salad. The shinigami was positive Xiao would eat the tofu but not the salad. They return to the balcony, where they find Xiao overlooking Dihua Marsh.

Izanami nudged Aether forward as he held the two dishes. She kept her distance while the blonde and Paimon managed to keep the adeptus from leaving by handing over the food. While he ate, the two explained what happened to Rex Lapis. Xiao, having known Morax's plan, feigned shock to avoid being questioned by the traveler and his floating companion. "Rex Lapis... How could this be? I...can't imagine it. Though times have changed, I've never imagined a Liyue without him. The ruling Qixing... Just what role have they played in this?"

Izanami wanted to give him a round of applause for his acting. He truly did sound devistated and easily fooled Aether and Paimon.

"I will seek Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, and Cloud Retainer. It is time they too made their decisions," Xiao said. That, was not a lie. Although he respected Zhongli's decision to step down, there still had to be someone to watch over Liyue. It was time for him to speak with the other adepti to discuss such matters.

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