Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Edolas was alive with people happy with the revolution. Humans had begun to get used to having a life without magic, but the change was slow going. Edolas' new King had been leading the way, despite forgetting about being unable to use magic whenever he felt the need. Having the faith of the people, thanks to 'Dark King Dragneel' and his sidekicks 'Redfox' and 'Marvel', had made a big difference, and they've been following his steps to adjust.

Faust was defeated and exiled, and all his plans and conspiracies fell to the floor and turned to dust. No one seemed to know where he was, but there were sightings of him occasionally, mostly in places far from groups of people. He mostly seemed to have hidden from society and tried to keep his location secret. Two years after Fairy Tail had left Edolas and returned to Earthland, the Edolas Fairy Tail were back to their usual selves. Lucy was still terrifying, and Natsu was quiet and rarely got 'fired up'. Gray was still in love with Juvia, and Cana was a polite and elegant lady.

Erza Knightwalker, Sugarboy, Hughes, Byro and Coco had been put to work and had been humbled by their experience helping to return the Royal City to its former glory and make some improvements. Erza, Sugarboy and Hughes were now working in the guard, as they used to be, but they had spent the last two years showing proof of their worth and trustworthiness. They had shown that they'd learnt the error of their ways and wanted to work together with the King to create a new, happy world without magic.

The King, who used to be known as 'Mystogan' now had to get used to using his actual name once more. Except everyone referred to him as 'King' so it didn't really matter anyway. It had been years since anyone had called Jellal, except for the Fairy Tail Master, and he hadn't been able to see them in years. His wishes for them to be safe and happy were hopefully able to get through, but he wasn't sure what was going on in Earthland, and knowing how much chaos Fairy Tail got into, they might have made a mess or gotten into one since he'd left. Probably many messes, considering how trouble seemed to find them.

It was hard for him to adjust to all the changes considering he had grown up in Earthland, but he was slowly getting there. He had to show his people the way, after all. They didn't have a higher authority than him now that the Exceed were gone too. Things were strange, but it wasn't the worst situation to be in. He had joined Fairy Tail out of a desire to be helpful and found that the guild was a fantastic community of people who felt the same as he did. Their loyalty and commitment to the guild had been so inspiring that he knew it would be a place he could belong. Although he figured that someday he would return to Edolas, in the meantime, he knew that he could do some good in Earthland by being with Fairy Tail. Getting used to being back in his homeland had taken a while, and he still didn't feel that he was quite settled in as part of the Royal Family, despite it being his birthright. Going to Earthland hadn't stopped him from being a Prince in Edolas, after all.

A few visits to the guild that both was and wasn't the same definitely helped him get by the last few months. The members of Fairy Tail were different, but they were still people he couldn't stop himself from caring about, even though they weren't the Earthland Fairy Tail. His love for the guild went beyond that; they had been instrumental in assisting the Royal City in getting rebuilt. He'd felt bad for a while like he was using Edolas Fairy Tail as replacements, but they had shown him very quickly that he wasn't using them like that. They were their own people, and he cared for them all the same. They were truly wonderful people, just like their counterparts in Earthland.

A lot of work needed to be done, and being the new King of Edolas, he knew that these things would not happen overnight. As many people as there were that couldn't be happier with the changes, there would always be a few that weren't satisfied. Some people struggled to adjust without magic, especially those merchants whose businesses specialised in selling magic tools, vehicles and the like. Most of them had to completely close their business, and some had become destitute. Still, he had worked hard to ensure that they would be able to resurrect their business, remain merchants to continue trade, and keep the economy stable. Some had begun working for other merchants or merging their business knowledge and creating something new. Others had just started selling different products instead, and selling food and goods had become incredibly important without magic to assist in these processes.

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