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A/N: Okay fuck it. Y/N x Senju time!!

You slept in the Akashi's house, you woke up took a shower and got dressed. You went to the living room and saw Senju was about to go out. She saw you as well.

Senju: Oh Tobi! Wanna go shopping with me? I need somebody to carry the bags since Takeomi is busy.

Y/N (T): Shopping? Ehh, sound boring.. and girly..

Senju: Come on! Are you just gonna let me carry those heavy bags?

Y/N (T): I can't carry heavy things anyway, Tobi is weak and fragile!

Senju: You literally knocked Takeomi out with a smack to the face, because he sneak up on you yesterday!

Y/N (T): That's different! That was Tobi's fight or flight respond!

Senju: No more excuses! Let's go!

She then dragged you out of the door and out to your own personal hell.

Y/N (T): NOOOO!!


You both have been shopping for a while now.. well Senju did you are just carrying the bags. She bought alot of stuff but of course, you didn't find them heavy thanks to your superhuman strenght. You still have to act like you're struggling though.

Y/N (T): S-Senju-chan. Isn't this enough?

Senju: You wish! We just getting started!

Y/N (Mind): This girl is crazy! How many clothes does she wants?!

Y/N (T): T-Tobi can't carry anymore..

Senju: Come on! You're a boy right? Isn't boys suppose to be strong?

Y/N (T): But Tobi is a very fragile boy!

Senju ignored you and countinue shopping. You are questioning why did you even let her drag you to go shopping anyways? More shopping later your head is starting to sting and you are getting a little anxious. You feel around in your pocket to get some of your drugs that is Zoloft. (I'm making Y/N using drugs for Tobi mode to be more effective.) But when you reach the bottle it was empty.

Y/N (T): U-Uh S-Senju-chan. I think we should go back home. I don't feel so good..

Senju: Fine! Why do you have to ruin the fun? I thought you're the boredom slayer!

Y/N (T): S-Sorry..

Senju: ..hey.. you don't need to apologize for that I was just joking.. are you ok?

Y/N (T): I'm fine. Let's just go h-home..

You and Senju got back to her house. Takeomi isn't home yet. You opened the door, put the bags down and accidently dropped the bottle but you didn't even realised it until...

Senju: What's this?

She found it.

Y/N (T): Wait no thats!

She took a look at the bottle and read it.

Senju: Drugs?! You've been using drugs?! It's empty too! Meaning you have finished it!

Y/N (T): I-It's just painkillers! I- Tobi hurt his ankle and just took some painkillers!

Senju: Sertraline? Never heard of a painkiller like that! Let me search it up!

She then took out her smartphone and search the drugs up. She looked up from her phone and look at you.

Y/N (T): S-Senju-chan. I can expla-

Senju: antidepressant?

Y/N (T): I-

Suddenly Senju hugged you. You're a bit taller than her head is on your chest.

Senju: I don't know and I don't care why you took these. But you don't need them anymore. I'm here. Just talk to me..

Y/N: I..

You accidently used your real voice. You are tearing up a bit since you haven't been hugged in such a long time.


You are watching some shows on the tv at 1 am. Senju decided to watch with you. You both are under a blanket, on the sofa and holding a snack. When you used your real voice Senju didn't seem suprised. When you ask her about it she said that she doesn't care about the voice and personality change. But she wants you to be honest with her. Takeomi called and he said he won't be home until tommorow. You decided to took off your mask since you have already opened up to her.

Senju: So thats what you look like.

Y/N: Yeah, I know I look ugly with the scar.

Senju: Actually I think you look handsome and badass with the scar.

You are a little suprised and flustered. You look at the other way.

Senju: Aww someones flustered? Is that why you wear a mask all the time? Because you can't hide your emotions well?

Y/N: Shut up! It's not everyday I receive compliments ok?!

Senju just laughed and you both countinued watching the show. The show ended and both of you are not sleept at all.

Y/N: Damn, I don't feel sleepy at all.

Senju: Me too wanna have a pillow fight?!

Y/N: You're on!

To be countinued...

A/N: Hey Vsauce! Author here. I wanna know if you guys want lemon in this book or nah? I mean I could do it.. just saying 😏

Tokyo Revengers x Male Tobi Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now