Events Leading up to Infinity War

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One morning we sat in our kitchen having just finished breakfast and our phones went off simultaneously. We looked at each other,

"Well, that can't be good." I responded. I answered my phone and he answered his.

"Attack on New York, Thor is dead. Bruce is back. Tony & Peter are missing. Stay alert, stay safe. Love you!" Sam hung up before I could say anything. My face is white as I turned to Bucky.

"Steve, Natasha & Sam got a warning from Bruce. They are attempting to find Vision & Wanda. Guy named Thanos is after the Infinity Stones." Bucky told me.

"We should go see T'Challa," I told him.

"I'll call him, I'm sure he knows." Bucky said as he picked up his phone again. After a quick conversation with T'Challa he disconnected. "He said to stay here for now. Nothing we can do." We just spent the day together, making sure our phones were near us at all times. As evening approached we had dinner out of the deck, listening to the stereo and enjoyed a glorious sunset. As the stars came out, he brought out a blanket, we went down on the grass, laid back and counted the stars. The song I'll Be Good by Jaymes Young comes on. Bucky stood up, held his hand out to me, pulled me up and we started dancing with him singing along. "I love you, Mrs. Barnes." He told me at the end of the song. We just continue swaying as another song comes on. "I love you, Mr. Barnes." I answered. He swept me off my feet, and carried me up into the bedroom. We showed each other how much we loved each other. As we laid holding each other, the song Soldier by Samantha Jade came on. I softly sang the lyrics to him. We fell asleep holding each other tightly, afraid that the real world was going to make us a part of it again.

The next morning, Bucky got a phone call from Steve. After a short conversation he disconnected, took my hand & led me to sit on the couch. A feeling of dread starts in my stomach. "They found Vision & Wanda. They were under attack from the minions of Thanos." He told me. "They don't have the right technology to get the Mind Stone out of Vision's head. Shuri said she can do it. They are coming here." he finished.

"So, the fight is coming soon." I sighed. "Not surprised but..." I shook my head. "When?" I asked him.

"Later today." He told me. "Till the end of the line...Always." He said as he held out his pinky finger.

I hooked my pinky finger with his "Till the end of the line...Always." I responded back. "I love you." I told him as I pulled him to me. "I love you too." He whispered to me.

We got out of bed, got dressed, gathered things into our packs and went into the city. Going up to T"Challa's office when we arrive.

T'Challa looked up and told Bucky, "Shuri has something for you. The White Wolf has rested long enough." We left his office and went to Shuri's lab. She led us over to a case sitting on the table. She opened it and there was an arm. "It's an arm in a box," I joked. Shuri just grinned. "It's vibranium, uses the same shock absorption as Black Panther's suit." She told Bucky.

I turned to Bucky who was just staring down at the arm. I reached out and grabbed his hand, "Honey?"

"Oh sorry," he snapped out of his trance. "Thank you," he told Shuri.

"Let's get this on you." grabbed the arm and led Bucky to a bed so he could sit while she did adjustments.

"I'm going to wander outside while you are doing that. Text me when you're done" I gave him a quick kiss, left the building and went around the corner, leaning up against the wall just taking deep breaths. I was not ready for the real world to come crashing down around me, but since there was nothing I could do about it, I sighed and looked up when I heard a sound and saw the quinjet land. I went over to wait for them to come down the ramp. Wanda came out holding onto Vision. "Shuri's up in her lab," I told her as she led Vision into the building. I gave Natasha a hug before she moved off to the side to make way for the others.

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