Chapter 11: Darius

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After defeating our opponents, I jumped from the unconscious body then I ran towards Wakasa.

"I beat 30 guys in 5 minutes Ha!" I proudly declared, He just silently stood then behind him was men over 50 counts.

"Whatever!" I turned my head away as I ran a hand over my wet hair.

"Hey Akashi, you should really stop bringing your curse with you" I clicked my tongue as I looked up the sky that was covered by gray clouds.

"Sorry (Y/n)-chan but I don't really control the weather" He shrugged as he walked towards our direction and same as Shinichiro who was beat up.

"(L/n)" I heard a voice behind me and saw a guy standing up despite having a lot of bruises.

"What'd he said?" Akashi asked. I glared at him then he looked at me as a smile went across his face.

"The failure of (L/n)-" He was about to finish when I landed a blow on his stomach. He rolled on the wet ground and didn't move.

"(L/n)? That's what he said right?" Shinichiro asked, I turned my head to look at them then I shrugged my shoulders.

"No idea" I coldly said as I slid my hands inside my pocket walking past them.

"Darius! Is back!" I stopped in my tracks, clenching my fist then I proceeded to walk.


The next day, (Y/n) didn't appear as the four sat on the stool inside the bar.

"She didn't show up after what that guy from Pit Bull said" Benkei said chugging the juiced down.

"Wakasa, do you have any idea why?" Shinichiro asked Wakasa who shrugged at his question.

"The failure of (L/n)-" It kept on replaying inside Wakasa's head, his grip on his glass tighten as he looked at the cold water.

"My father would look down on me since I was a girl then he moved me to my grandparents house. My brothers never treated me as their sibling so I decided to prove to them that even if I was a girl I could be strong too."

"Darius" Wakasa mumbled, then Kaito who was listening on their conversation chimed in.

"Darius (L/n) is (Y/n)'s father" What he said took the three of them in surprise then Shinichiro who looked confuse opened his mouth to ask.

"But (Y/n) said she was a Kira?"

"She lied to all of you about that. She is the daughter of Darius (L/n). He's an infamous Yakuza. He never accepted (Y/n) as his child. Her mother called her a cursed child and her father named her a failure" He paused as he out the glass he was wiping down.

"Her older brothers would beat her up and she could do nothing but accept their beatings. It's a complicated family if you ask me" He sighed.

"The rumors about Darius being back- I don't know what would she react about it." He added.

"How cruel" Shinichiro muttered.

"I didn't know she had to experience that" Benkei muttered.

"The only person who saved her from that hellish house was her grandpa" He said making Wakasa look at him. He smiled at Wakasa after continuing.

"Her grandpa, Darius's father was one of the legendary Yakuza but after having a wife He left the world of the delinquents and focused on his family but Darius seemed to follow his father's footsteps."

"So (Y/n)'s family are all part of the delinquent world?" Shinichiro asked.

"Yeah, but (Y/n) seems to be uninterested on things like that since in the past all she does is annoy other gangs and perfectly beat them up" He chuckled. Suddenly the door to the bar flung open, a loud crash followed after making all of them turn to the door.

A tall and muscular man stood with a cigarette in his lips, A paw of a pitbull on his shoulders.

"I heard the black dragons are here" His voice boomed all over the place then his eyes landed on the four.


I scratched my cheeks as I walked towards the bar. Damn I overslept!

Just as I was about to take another step a body rolled in front of my feet.

"Shinichiro?!" I quickly knelt down as I looked at his face that were full of bruises.

"What happened?!!" I asked, his eyes moved to me as he coughed blood.

"He..lp... T..he..m" He muttered, I pulled him up making him lean on the wall. "Just wait right there! I'll be back!" I said after running towards the bar. Outside the bar was Wakasa and Benkei fighting some other guys. Akashi was about to be punched by a guy behind him when I sprinted towards the guy behind him kicking his face.

"(Y/n)-chan!" Akashi called. I punched the guy who was about to punch him in the  front then I clenched my jaw.

"What's going on?!" I asked. I clicked my teeth after side kicking the guy who was about to lunge at me.

"Did you guys started a gang fight without me?" I asked, he shook his head about to reply but the opponents kept on interfering.

"Explain it to me later on" I said as I cracked my knuckles preparing myself.

After a few minutes of Fighting, I panted as I wiped my sweat with the back of my hand.

"They're too strong unlike the guys yesterday" I gritted my teeth, as I looked at the guys who were in front of me.

"Akashi, you can still stand right?" I asked turning to him. He nodded then I looked around.

"Where's Waka?" I asked whilst panting. I can't seem to find him.

I turned to Akashi who was about to collapse but I quickly caught him.

"Akashi!" I called, He looked up at me as panted.

"Waka!! Benkei!!" I called as I panted then suddenly I heard Waka's voice. "(Y/..n)" I turned my head and saw Waka, his head being held up then afterwards he was thrown in front of me.

"WAKA!" I yell, Akashi lets go of me, completely collapsing on the ground. I rushed beside Waka as I looked at his bruised up face.

"Waka! What happened?!" I asked, he only looked at me as he coughed blood.

"Where's Benkei?!" I asked, He turned his head to the side. I looked to where he was looking and saw Benkei lying down the ground unconscious.

How could this happen?! They're the strongest delinquent here!

"If it isn't the failure" A familiar voice said. A voice that I didn't wanna hear. I jolted up, my eyes widened the hairs on my neck erected then a loud thunder was heard followed by the heavy rain that was poured upon us.


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