Chapter 15: Beginning

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"It's been years" Benkei mumbled as he looked up the gray and raining sky.

"Yeah" Akashi nodded as he looked down with a grave expression. They looked at Wakasa who just looked at the grave with his usual bored expression.

"I wonder how they're doing up there?" Akashi mumbled as he looked up the gray sky.

"Aren't you glad up there" Akashi smiled.

"Isn't this your anniversary with (Y/n) Waka? I'm sure she'll be glad to see what you brought her" Akashi said. Waka just said nothing as he looked down the grave. He slid his hands inside his pocket as he looked up the sky.

"Don't tell me you forgot to buy her something? She'll be mad y'know?" Akashi asked then afterwards he sighed.

'That jerk forgot to buy me something?!' The girl behind them fumed as she clenched her fist beside her.

"She'll understand" Waka sighed as he looked back down the grave. "You're right" The two followed then a smile went on Akashi's lips.

"No I don't! How can you forget our Anniversary!" (Y/n) yell behind them.

"That's what (Y/n) would say" Benkei smiled as he looked at the grave. Suddenly Akashi was kicked to the side as his umbrella flew out of his hand. Then Benkei was whack in the head

"Can you guys stop acting like I'm dead or something!! You worthless piece of shit!" She paused as she turned to Waka.

"How dare you forget about our Anniversary and acting like I'm dead!" She burst as she pulled Waka back and forth harshly.

"Sorry, okay" Waka calmly stated as Akashi and Benkei tried to pull the woman.

"Could you please stop fighting in front of Shin's grave?!" Akashi yell.

"Shut up stormy-boy!" The woman said turning to Akashi pointing an aggressive finger at him.

"I even brought you a gift that me and Senju was looking for 7 hours and you didn't buy me any eve- Mmph!" She stopped when a pair of lips crashed into hers making her stop her rants as her eye widened in shock.

Waka removed his lips as he leaned back.

"It's in my house hag" He smirked as he looked at the woman who's cheeks are beet red.

"W-Who are you calling a hag!" She yell as she tried her best not to faint due to her boyfriends handsome face that was in front of her.

"You" Waka snickered making the woman glare at him as she pinched his side twisting it earning a groan from the man.

Waka leaned forwards when his nose caught a scent of cigarette on her making him lean back and turn his back.

"You were smoking behind my back aren't you?" He asked.

"So what if I did what are you gonna do about it?" She said with sarcasm in her tone.

Wakasa said nothing as he began to walk away. "I'll see you guys later" He waved his hand.

"Waka!" The woman ran up to him but he just ignored the woman.

"They're hopeless" Akashi and Benkei sighed. "Right Shin?" Akashi chuckled as he turned to Shinichiro's grave.


"I'm sorry okay! I couldn't help it!" I reasoned but he wasn't listening to me until we were out of the cemetery.

I stopped as I clenched my fist. "Whatever! If you don't want to listen to me then fine!" I yell as I clicked my tongue turning my back on him as I walked on a different direction.

Mindlessly walking on the streets. I looked behind me and saw that he wasn't even chasing after me. What an asshole!

I sniffled as I sat on the nearby bench letting the rain hit me since I was already wet.

It was getting cold and my white shirt was turning transparent.


After a few minutes while she was sitting on the bench, men who were passing by saw her bra as they smirked with lust written on their faces.

Suddenly a familiar figure took his black coat off as he wrapped it around the woman covering her chest. She looked up to see Wakasa who turned to the people staring at her with a menacing look on his face which made the people around run away.

"What are you doing here idiot" She averted her gaze away from Wakasa who knelt down in front of her.

"What took you so long. It was getting cold here y'know?" She said pulling the coat tight.

"I went home to get my gift" He smiled as he pulled a little box placing it in front of her. The woman looked at him in the eyes as Waka opened the box, revealing a diamond ring.

"I bought this with Shin when he was still alive" He lowly smiled. "Then we thought that maybe you'd like this ring cause it was pretty" He added

He looked up at her as he spoke "Will you marry me Pirate?" He asked.

"'Who knows someday you'll beg for me to marry you and I would reject you everyday' Remember? But I guess I couldn't keep it. I lost to my own word" She snickered as she stood up putting her left hand forth with a big smile on her face.

"Fine, I'll marry you" She smiled. Wakasa took the ring as he slowly slid it on her finger which perfectly fit.

"Look at that" She smiled as she looked at her finger. Waka stood up from his feet. (Y/n) jumped to hug him as he wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I hate you" She smiled. Wakasa leaned down as he pinched her chin tilting it to the side as he replied "I hate you too", He closed his eyes then he gently crashed his lips with hers as they kissed passionately under the rain.


It's not the end yet. This shitty love story is just the beginning of a brand new life with me, him and Goten together and this will never end.


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