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Chapter 42

     "A lot has happened while you've been out," Sakura says while cutting up some apple slices.

     Shizake sits up in his hospital bed, watching her knife slice through the fruit. "Like what?" he asks.

     "Jiraiya sensei... he... was killed by the leader of Akatsuki," Sakura solemnly says.

     "That's terrible. How is Naruto handling it?" Shizake asks.

      The girl pauses cutting the apples, looking up at the Uchiha. "Not well. He was really depressed for a while and barely left his house. Although... now he's training somewhere with some toad sages," she explains.

     "Toad sages? Interesting. Explains why he hasn't shown up," Shizake replies.

     Sakura hands Shizake an apple slice as he munches it slowly. Even though it's just a plain regular apple it tastes even sweeter than normal to him. He looks at Sakura before blushing slightly and turning his head away.

     "I've... missed you," he says.

     The pinkette's cheeks go red as she grins uncontrollably. "I missed you too," she says.

     Shizake turns back with a half grin, grabbing another apple slice from her. However his back seizes up in pain causing him to grimace.

"You need to be more careful! You fractured a few bones in your back. Although I've healed them for the most part there's only so much I can do," Sakura exclaims.

Shizake nods his head understandingly, taking her words to heart. If anything, the pain reminds him of the damage he suffered and the unclear ending to that fight.

"Is everything okay? You look lost," Sakura asks softly.

Shizake shakes his head, looking into her eyes. "I just... I want to know what happened after I lost consciousness. What happened to Itachi and Sasuke? Why was I the only one you guys found out there? It feels like I won but it also feels like I didn't," he explains.

"You shouldn't think about that right now. You'll find out in due time. For now you need res-"

The girl's words are interrupted by the room door swinging open, smacking into the wall. Tsunade, glaring, strides through the room and up to the foot of the bed. She crosses her arms, her gaze looking over the boy's injuries.

"Lady Hoka-" Shizake starts.

"I don't want to hear it right now. You know what you did," she begins sternly. "You were to run it by me with anything regarding your family and you explicitly failed to do so. You not only put your self in danger but also the one's sent to retrieve you. I cannot fathom how you thought any of this was a good idea!"

"But I couldn't possibly dare to drag anyone into my own messes," Shizake replies.

Tsunade's knuckles tighten around her arms even more, turning white. "I don't think you quite understand. You dragged them in regardless. Your informant, Azumi? The village leaders decided to jail her for withholding intelligence from the village. As much as I tried to appeal it, I was overruled. They tried to come for you too but I was able to back them off of that. Now you'll just be under heavy watch," Tsunade lectures.

"Informant...?" Sakura asks. "But I thought she was just your teammate?"

Shizake's head hangs low as he realizes the consequences of all his actions. He turns slightly to his right, looking at Sakura. "Could you please leave the room for a moment...?"

"No. She needs to hear this as well because you inevitably dragged her in too! Day in and day out she was worried sick about you. She was also the first to step forward when we finally learned of your whereabouts! I know about your relationship... you're supposed to be open with one another, not hiding... certain things," Tsunade continues, deflecting the last bit due to his ANBU status. She then sighs while rubbing her temples. "Look, kiddo. I'm glad you're okay and safe now... but you betrayed my and the village's trust. I'll have to suspend you from your duties for the time being while I work things out with the village elders," Tsunade says. "We'll also need you to do some paperwork and file an official report of the events. For now just rest up and take it easy."

     The Hokage then exits the room promptly, closing the door shut behind her. Shizake's head hangs low as the consequences of his actions ram into him like a train at full speed. Sakura remains silent, clutching the fabric on her thighs. Something Tsunade said plagues her mind with curiosity.

    "So... that girl. She isn't your teammate?" she asks.

     Shizake pauses for a moment before looking to his side at Sakura from behind his hair. "No... she was an informant within the scouting and intelligence division. She was helping me track Itachi," Shizake explains.

    "So you lied to me?" she lowly questions.

    "I just didn't want you to get involved and possibly hurt... I did it for your own good," Shizake says.

     "For my own good? I'm not some little kid that needs to be coddled, Shizake. I can handle my own well being. I appreciate you looking out for me like that but it still hurts... being lied to," Sakura says hurtfully.

     Shizake pushes his hair out of his eyes, coming to realize there's more to it than just physical pain. Emotional pain can be just as devastating. "Then... there's something else I should come clean about I suppose."

     The girl winces, preparing for another lie that will inevitably hurt her. She grips her thigh even harder, huddling her shoulders as a form of physical defense against the truth.

     Shizake sighs, lifting up his sleeve on his shirt. "I... was never injured that badly. It was just a cover up... for this," he says, revealing his tattoo.

     The girl stares at the mark, gritting her teeth. "But that's... an ANBU tattoo. You're saying...?"

     Shizake rolls his sleeve back down, nodding his head slowly. "A captain actually. But, Sakura please understand I didn't want to lie to you about this. It was suggested by the elders that I keep my status a secret. As to keep the leaf protected," he says.

     The girl nods her head apprehensively. While she understands the need to hold such a thing secret, she is still hurt at the thought of Shizake playing her for a fool. "I see... I don't know how to feel about that," she says emptily.

     "I understand if you're mad at me. You have every right to be after the shit I've put you through," Shizake says lowly.

     Sakura nods, standing up while placing the plate of apples on the table next to her. "I'm not mad. I know you have no ill intentions. I just need some time to myself for a little," she says, kissing him on the forehead. "I'll come back by tomorrow to check on you, okay?"

The boy lifts his hand up, "Sakura, I-" he begins but trails off. "Nevermind... I'll see you tomorrow."

       Sakura forces a smile before exiting the room quietly. However as soon as she passes that barrier and shuts it behind her, the tears spill out. A confused flurry of emotions torrents through her mind before she makes her way out of the hospital.

     Shizake keeps his gaze on the door, desperately wanting to run out there and bring her back. However, he knows the guards would just stop him immediately. Especially in his current state.

    His head smacks against the pillow as he lays back frustrated, fists covering his eyes. His arms drop to his sides as he tilts his head and looks out the window at the moonlit sky. In his mind he know he has some making up to do.

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