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Frith had flown above his kingdom, circling, waiting. The Erix had indeed breeched the first wall, and after having fended them off, and helping the survivors retreat, he'd offered assistance from the skies, communicating with and alerting his soldiers below of any potential areas or weaknesses the Erix could exploit. The soldiers moved where he directed, ready for the next onslaught, should there be one. His mind was uneasy, unfocused. He'd left his son in the presence of that Black Blooded woman, and though he'd left his superior soldiers, The Kuro-Stili, behind to guard the house and guard Cathen, the Black Blood was powerful. Insanely so, he might add. He had not met many individuals whose power he could literally sense. Saren was there, that soothed his mind. She was hands down one of the strongest people he knew. Frith landed in front of the gates, and nodded to the mages who were busy repairing the damage that had been done by the Erix. They nodded back at him, relieved that he had come to watch their backs. Though the second responders had responded quickly and had gotten the severely wounded out of the area, Frith was still walking through pools of blood, most of it belonged to his people, and the rest belonged to the Erix they had killed. Frith watched the woods for any further movement that could be another Erix on it's way to attack his front gate again. He'd been pacing back and forth, his eyes darting to and fro taking in all movements and assessing them. He tried to keep his mind off of the fact that there were still unidentified body parts in front of the kingdom's gate, and kept pacing. The communication device on his waist began to buzz crazily. He took it off of his hip, and answered.

"This is Cerulean."

"My Liege, The Erix have appeared next to the Day Court Manor. They seem to have gotten there via portal!" came a panicked voice on the other end.

Frith's wings exploded from his back, causing his flesh to rip, but he didn't even feel it as he jumped into the air and headed back to the place his son was staying. Millions of thoughts raced through his mind.

*Did the Black Blooded mage do this? A portal? No one has been rumored to open those except for Amethyst. I have to get there, even if Saren is there, if Eurus is responsible for this, Saren may not be able to defend Cathen and herself.*

"Does anyone have eyes on Cathen?" He asked into the radio.

"Yes Sir, Saren and the new teacher have retreated into the tunnels underneath the dwelling. However the Kuro-Stilli are suffering heavy losses. They are losing the-"

Suddenly the radio goes silent, and Frith's heart feels as of it is in his throat. He can see the the manor from where he was in the sky, and was already half way there though he'd just taken flight moments ago. He can hear the sounds of battle as he nears the manor, and is so focused on listening for his son's voice he does not notice the Erix that had perched itself up in a tall tree.

As Frith is soaring through the sky, the Erix, camouflaged poorly but good enough for him to not notice, jumps into the air, extending its claw, and tearing his armor from his chest to his navel. The Erix's claw snags into a crevice in Frith's armor, yanking him back violently and dislocating his hip. Frith yells out in pain, and crashes a few meters away from the Erix. He doesn't know what has happened, and is unaware of how badly he is injured, but summons trees, rock, and soil toward him. The trees, soil, and rocks create a shield around him, separating him from the Erix that had attacked him. Once he solidifies the barrier between him and the Erix, Frith inspects himself. His armor is ruined, which was surprising given the fact that mages had made it studier than any of the armor he'd worn beforehand. He has a nasty cut underneath his damaged armor, and he couldn't feel his right leg. It hurt to even move, and Frith knows he can't walk. He thinks to himself on what he should do as the Erix bangs on the barrier he'd just created. He cringes as it wails in irritation, and growls in frustration as it stabs one of its claws thorough the barrier. Frith reaches for a communication device on his hip, and swears as he realizes it's been crushed by his landing.

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