1st day, yay.

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3rd POV

Tikki's eyes widened when she saw him. He looks exactly like she remembers except with more modern clothes.

See a long time ago, before Tikki and Plagg were turned into kwamis they were human. They were the 'leaders' of the original 7 superheroes. Really they were just a big family that poked fun at each other and of course, there were the moms of the group, the tricksters, the fashionista, and the brainiac. Tikki and Wayzz were the parents of the group trying to keep everyone else in check, Trixx and Plagg pulled the absolute best pranks of their time and everyone was laughing around them, Dussu literally had an outfit for every occasion and normally dragged Nooru into her designs. Lastly, Nooru was the smart, quiet one. Always seeing things in a bigger picture and giving people emotional support when they needed it. They all had lives before then, but they were elected -mostly- on becoming the first guardians. Or protectors of the world. In ancient times people saw the power in the small city in china where they lived. People wanted this mysterious power and were willing to do anything in order to get it.

Tikki looked at the teenage boy (because kwamis don't age) that would make everyone smile when they failed a mission. She didn't know what to do hug him, or act like this was the first time meeting him.

"OH MY GOSH, WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!" Marinette cried running towards the direction of the school. Adrien darted after her and then warmth spread across her wrist. She caught the green cat-like eyes of the teen for a second as she was quickly dragged away and towards the school.

Their footsteps pounded on the sidewalk as they rushed through the school gates and into the courtyard. They darted up the stairs and quickly opened the classroom doors. Mrs. Bustier gave an unimpressed eyebrow raise, at the late children bursting through her door.

"Sorry, Mrs. Bustier!", Both Adrien and Marinette exclaimed in unison, smiling meekly.

"Try not to let it happen again," The ginger said, giving a pointed look at Marinette. "Now who is behind you?"

Tikki smiled at the teacher, waving slightly with her left hand. Looking down at her other one -which was still in Plagg's- she blushed and quickly pulled it out of his avoiding eye contact. Plagg also looked the other way scratching the back of his neck while blushing with a look of disappointment on his face. At the question Marinette and Adrien became a stammering mess, muttering about exchange students...and aliens? What on earth? Quickly, Tikki decided to take the reins on this one.

"I'm Marinette's cousin from America." She walked to the front of the class waved and walked up to the very back of the class to an empty table. Plagg walked to the front as well gave a charming smile, wink, and a bow before following the redhead. Because that was all the explanation he needed. Marinette quickly took her seat next to Alya who looked at her funny.

'I'll tell you later.' she mouthed to her best friend then started pulling out her notebook. Adrien took a seat next to Nino and ignored his questioning look.

"Well, now that we're all situated. Let's start today's lesson..." Mrs. Burstien said turning to face the chalkboard writing the notes down.

__TimE SkIp___...sry -.-

Okay so what if Plagg didn't know, or care what on earth the teacher was droning on about. And so what if he spent -somehow- the entire period staring at the pretty redhead who was doodling/taking notes in the book she somehow required. BUT Plagg didn't. No sir. And even if he did could you blame him? It was HER fault. Do you know how cute she is when she's concentrating?


Plagg shook himself out of his thoughts looking up trying to find the source of the shriek that seemed to blast from the ceilings. The rest of the teenagers were putting their books away and leaving the classroom. Plagg looked to the cut- NO not cute! - he corrected himself. Anyway, he looked at the prett- THE REDHEAD!- god. Pull it together Plagg. PULL IT TOGETHER! Who was now staring at him. Great, she probably thought he was a weirdo. Before either of them had the chance to speak Marinette and Adrien came over to the table. Apparently, they had a 'free period'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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