The Man In The Old Church

19 1 4

I do not know why I am writing in this book, but I must get my thoughts out. I haven't had many people to speak with, most of them seeming to have gone mad. I do not remember who I am, or where I came from. I awoke in a strange coffin, buried quite far underneath the surface. I had to dig myself out, which was not an easy task. I found myself on the outskirts of an old village, though the people here seem very hostile. They all keep muttering and yelling— the ones who are silent give me horrible glares, and if I attempt to go up to them they attack. They are not much of a challenge, but I still can't understand what is wrong. Eventually, a horde of these awful demons had chased me through the village, and in my struggle I ran into what I believe to be an old church. I locked myself inside, but I could swear I wasn't alone. There was this ringing, as if someone were constantly shaking a bell. I walked through the church, only to find a locked door. I tried to open it, but it would not budge. I can hear someone in there, but everytime I call out I get no answer.

I'm still in here. The villagers have seemed to given up on their pursuit, and I found this old journal under a table. There's writing before this, though it is written in a language I do not understand. I can still hear the ringing, though I can't find anything to open the door with. Maybe I can find something to bust it down with? Though I doubt whoever's in there would like that. I hope they aren't crazed like the rest of this place. I wonder what caused this? I guess I'll find out soon enough. I just feel so stiff, like I've been sleeping for ages. I think I've got to spend the night in here, not like theres anywhere else for me to go. Its around sunset now, I've been in here awhile. I guess I should just sit here for awhile, get some rest.

I'll write more whenever something interesting happens.

Sincerely ,

The rest of the page is blank.

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