The Music

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Journal ,

It has been a few days since I've wrote in this. These days have been quite busy, and I haven't had much time. I am no longer in the church, and I am now hiding in an old, abandoned home. I feel like this could be a good place to stay, for now atleast. I finally decided to break the door in the church. I think it was a storage room, as there were boxes of things scattered around. But I also found the man, no, THING hiding inside. It was sitting infront of a stained window, ringing a little hand-held bell. It never stopped, seemingly in a trance of sorts? I called out to it again, but it ignored me. When I went to touch it, when it looked at me...

It had empty, dead eyesockets that had vines growing out of them? These vines had burst from parts of its body, but it seemed to be in no pain. It's voice was scratchy, like it hadn't spoken in a long time. It did not breathe, it did not bleed. I still remember what it said, word for word.

"Why does he disturb the music?"

What kind of creature is this? I'm assuming I was the 'he' in question. It then lashed out at me, the vines trying to attack me. I grabbed a small blade on the floor, slashing at it. Then, it used its vines to grab me, throwing me from the church window. I landed on a large pile of wood. I was injured, but nothing very serious. I believe it has covered the window, as I cannot see inside. I soon limped inside this very home, where I rested. I'm still hurt, but I think I'll be alright. I plan to explore tomorrow, especially now I have this blade. Its worn and a bit dull, but it'll do for now.

I cannot remember anything, not even my own name. Did I even have a name? I saw an old newspaper, saying something about a man named 'Norman'. Norman, huh. I actually like that. Maybe that could be my new name?

Well, I must get to sleep.

Sincerely ,


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