No peace

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Janet POV
Toni and I went home yesterday I mean damn she can't have no break I don't want nothing to happen to us I just want peace. I was at home by myself Essia with his uncle and Toni is I don't know where Toni is actually. I tried calling her but she wouldn't answer went straight to voicemail. What the hell is she doing. Speak of the devil she walked in the house on the phone. I grabbed her phone hanging it up.
"What is you problem." She asked getting pissed.
"Where were you I tried calling but you didn't answer."
"I had something to handle don't worry your pretty little head about it." She tried walking away but no I need to know because every time shit happens like this she ends up in the hospital.
"Toni just tell me what was it."
"It's a surprise and that's all I'm saying." I just nodded my head kissing her because I missed her she been gone for an eternity. The kissed turned more passionate and you know where that leads let's just say we both won't be walking for some time now.
Toni POV
Janet really fucked me up this morning I mean damn that was new. Now my surprise is I brought her childhood best friend Missy Eliot down here so they can hang out. Missy told me they haven't talked to each other sense she left I figured that it would be a good sulfide a peaceful surprise since you know shit us been going haywire. We were laying down Janet asleep on my chest I can say being with her my sexual game has been great I made her pass out sometimes this year just a little pat on the back for me. The door bell ring nocking me out of the thought of how amazing I am. I told Janet to wake up and she started whining I gave her my I'll do it agin look. She got dressed looking good as always. We went downstairs and I told her to stand there.
"What are you doing Toni." She asked wanting to go back to sleep.
"It's a surprise I told you this morning she's here."
"Oh no your last surprise almost had killed I'm good."
"I promise this one is better." I pulled her back and when I open the door I was bestowed with a nasty disgusting sloppy kiss. Whoever this was wrapped their arms around my waist leaning me down. I finally got the strength that I barley have to push this person off.
"Janet what's up girl."
"What the hell is wrong with you kissing my wife like that."
"Your wife Oops I have to give an proper hello." She stuck her hand out so I could shake it Janet grabbed me before I could ever think about it.
"What the hell are you doing here."
"Toni invited me and Janet I have to introduce you to someone this is my boyfriend Malcolm.
Janet POV
When Malcom came in my whole world came into shatters my ex boyfriend was suppose to be dead I mean I watched him die he was gone no pulse and then Missy being my best friend this is some weird shit right here.
"How are you alive you were suppose to be dead."
"Baby I didn't die I almost did but I didn't when I woke up in the hospital I was waiting for my faithful girlfriend but she was nowhere to be found I called your neighbor and she told me you up and left you left me alone by myself you told me you loved me but you left. Then I met Monica sweet Monica and she was so heartbroken that you left her for Lisa then I met Lisa and she was heartbroken that you left her for Toni but I didn't meet Toni, Toni was the one and I couldn't have that I met with Monica and Lisa and we put a plan on how to get rid of Toni then you would be with me I mean I would know how to get rid of Lisa and Monica there easy. But Toni over here won't go nowhere so then I got your mother and that didn't work she killed Monica not Toni. So I'm here to fix the problems so we can finally be together and happy."
"Malcom I don't want to be with you I'm in love with Toni I'm like women I thought you would know that but I guess not I didn't leave because of you I left because of my mother I wanted to get away from her I'm glad I met Toni she made my life better." He looked hurt he pulled a gun and pointed it at Toni then moved it and shot Missy. Toni started screaming I put her behind me holding her tight from the back.
"She was a distraction. Anyway we can do this the hard way or the easy way you come with me and Toni will be fine or I can knock both of you out tie you both up and torture Toni until you change your mind your decision Janet I got all day." I didn't know what to do I wanted to fight but I didn't want to get Toni hurt.
"I'll go with you." Toni eyes started watering.
"No kill me do what ever you want just don't make her live a bad life we have a son."
"No Toni I'll go I love you I always love you take care of our son take care of yourself I'll be back for you my love I just don't want you to get hurt. I love you Toni take care." I walked out with him in a fast pace.
Toni POV
As I watched Janet leave my heart broke into a million pieces who knows what will happen maybe she would forget about me or she would die I wanted to keep thinking bad things but Essia came in I couldn't even hug him right.
"Mommy where's Mama going." He asked what do I say do I lie.
"A long business trip she will be back." He laid his head down believing my words I wish I could believe them.

A/N- should I keep going? Okay I will

Excuse any mistakes

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