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"Everyone wants sex- meaningless, pleasurable sex."


Louis woke up the morning after he went out, instantly realizing that he wasn't clinging to his body pillow, but to another body.

At first, he thought it was Harry but flashbacks of the night before ran through his mind.

Ed's long, pale fingers gripping his shoulders as the redhead rambled about him. Harry. Ed was in love with Harry and Louis couldn't have sex with someone who was so cold he couldn't love someone like Ed, who was sweet and loving and adorable.

Louis had planned on sleeping with Niall from the beginning. Louis remembered that much, he remembered leaning in to kiss Niall before seeing years of friendship in Niall's blue eyes and Louis ran away.

Louis yawned now, shuffling around and sitting up, rubbing his head, not realizing quite where he was until he saw unruly blonde hair and his own naked body.

He ended up returning to Niall that night, hugging the lad and telling him about his plan, how he just wanted to forget.

And then it happened.

Although it wasn't that bad, Louis wasn't really pleasured from his night with his best mate. It was awkward and a bit uneasy. The two hardly exchanged words.

It was just sex.

Louis felt bad, felt a bit disgusted with himself.

Throwing the sleeping lad a sideways glance, he wiggled away and left, picking up his clothes on the way and dialing his newest friends number.


Louis watched as Harry left the shop, cracking his fingers before opening his car door. Ed bid Louis goodbye with a forced smile, giving him a hug and turning to walk the other way. Niall was still in the café.

Louis had three choices.

Harry, Ed, or Niall.

With a tight breath, Louis turned and walked into the shop, running into his Irish friend.

"Louis!" Niall said in surprise, smiling, and Louis was jealous because he wished that he could be so carefree about this.

"Niall... Can we talk?"

"Sure, I'll buy you a drink," Niall offered, gesturing towards the counter. The two ordered drinks and Niall paid. When they received the beverages, Niall let Louis to the same table he and Harry had shared.

"What's going on?" Niall asked, sipping his coffee.

"Well... We.... We slept together," Louis mumbled awkwardly, blushing.

"Yeah...?" Niall raised an eyebrow.

"You... You don't find that odd?"

"I found it odd that you bottomed. I figured you'd top if we ever had sex."

Louis blinked because, wow, he hadn't expected that. "Y-you've thought about us sleeping together before?"

"'Course, Lou. You're hot," Niall said sinpky, shrugging.

Louis was a bit astounded.

Was he the only one who made a big deal about sleeping with his friends?

"Okay. So we're just going to act like normal?"

"I hope I'm not squashing anything, but, Lou, I'm not into you like that. It was fun and all-"

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