Part - 1

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San Francisco, Mission District 1983

Harley's Pov

"Taking out the trash." I yelled to my mom as I stepped outside, I walked a couple houses down and got into the parked car.

"Hey" I said
"Hey, how's it going?" Blake asked

I've known Blake since middle school, he started selling weed freshman year.

"I'm good, but about to be better." I said
"Alright it's gonna be $40." He said
"Yeah here." I said pulling my cash out of my pocket, as I went to hand him the cash he grabbed my hand.
"What are you doing?" I asked
"Come on, have fun Harley, your so stubborn." he said placing my hand near his junk.
"What the fuck Blake, just give me my shit." I demanded trying to pull away
"Look you want the weed or not?" He asked
"Yeah." I said in an angry tone
"Well then have some fun with me first." He suggested, and used his force to kiss me while pressing my hand down harder. I was uncomfortable and trying to yell stop.

All of the sudden there was hard knocking on the window, it was James, Blake pulled away from me and rolled down the window.

"Get the fuck away from her man." James said as he tried unlock the door from the inside.
"What's your problem dude, get away from my car." Blake replied
"Your my problem" he said as he got the door open

He took my arm to help me get out of the car but Blake grabbed onto my other arm and pulled be back. I gasped out of shock.

"Okay, you're a fucking physco." James said and punched him in the face

I grabbed my bag of weed and ran out of the car. Blake frantically drove off.

"Are you fucking crazy Harley?" James asked me
"He's never done anything like that, I wasn't expecting him to try anything." I replied
"Why were you in the car with him anyway?" He asked

I lifted up the bag of weed

"Jesus." He said
"What?" I asked
"If you wanted weed you should've asked me." He replied
"I've been buying from him for two years, so I wasn't thinking to ask you, look I don't need your help, I'm fine." I said
"Why are you so stubborn?" He asked

Blake had just called me stubborn and I was not having it.

"I'm not fucking stubborn okay." I yelled
"Why are you yelling?" James asked before I could finish my sentence

"Blake just called me stubborn for not sucking him off, so excuse if I don't want to hear that from you." I replied and started walking back towards my house.

"Harley, I didn't know." He said trying to catch up with me
"Goodnight James." I said as I shoved the bag of weed in my jacket

I went back inside and ran up to my room. My room is my sanctuary, I have my own floor at the top of our townhouse, it has a nice bay window and a fire escape where I smoke. I shoved the bag in my closet and plopped myself on the bed, my orange cat Penny jumped up and snuggled next to me. I lied there and thought to myself "What the fuck just happened." Then the tears started flowing out of my eyes, was James trying to be nice or just annoy me?

James's Pov

I opened the door into Jules's room,
"What!" she complained
"Can you tell your friend to not buy weed from dumb-asses." I said
"What did something happen, is she okay!" she said worriedly
"And why are you pretending like you haven't known her all your life? she asked
"Look just be careful, you guys are so ignorant." I said
"Get out please.... and shut the door." she replied
I walked out leaving the door open.
"Jamess!!" she yelled

Harley's pov

My alarm rang, I slapped my hand on the snooze button, after awhile of tossing and turning I sat up and ran my hair over the front of my face. I threw on some jeans and a sweatshirt, I slipped my feet into my slippers and headed down to the kitchen to feed Penny.

After I fed her I went for the door, I shut and locked it and walked right over to Jules's. Sometimes my mom worked early morning shifts so I go over to eat breakfast.

"Harley!" Jules said and gave me a hug
"Hii." I replied

Jules's mom always makes the best breakfast.

"You want some coffee hon'." Her mom asked
"Yes that'd be amazing." I replied

I sat down with my coffee and in waltzed James, he eyed me with a dull look on his face. Ugh. He poured himself some orange juice and sat down.

"Hi." I said looking at him
"Hi." he replied looking me in the eye
"Okay here ya go kids." their mom said setting down plates of  food on the table
"Are you working tonight?" Jules asked
"Yeah, unfortunately." I replied
"Damn, well you want to do something during the day?" she asked
"Yeah, you want to go shopping, I need a new dress." I replied
"Do you really?" James asked
"I mean no, but I'd like one." I snagged
"Whats your deal man?" Jules asked him
"Nothing, oh and by the way if the boys and I stop by the bar can we get free drinks?" he asked me
"Is he serious right now." I thought to myself
"Maybe if you were nicer to me." I stated
"What are you talking about, I'm nothing BUT nice to you, for example, last night." he replied
"Shut up." I rolled my eyes
"You're a real dick sometimes." Jules butted in

After more table bickering we finished breakfast and headed upstairs.

"Do you have a red top, preferably something tight?" I asked Jules
"Yeah, here ya go." she said tossing me the top
"This would look perfect with a leather jacket." I said
"Omg yeah it would, go ask James if you can borrow one." she suggested
"Is he gonna be a little bitch about it?" I smiled
"Probably but you can still try." she replied
"Okay be right back." I said opening the door

I opened the door to James's room, he was laying on his bed with his shirt off and I'm not going to lie, he looked hot.

"What do you want?" He asked
"Can I borrow a leather jacket, it would work great with this outfit?" I asked
"No you'd lose it." he replied
"No I won't." I said

I just walked over to his closet, opened the door and started searching for one.

"Hey what are you doing?" he said getting up off the bed
"Borrowing a jacket." I smiled
"Seriously Harley." he replied
"Seriously." I said

I was going to grab the jacket off the hanger and all of the sudden he lifted me up onto his shoulder practically holding me by my ass.

"James, what the hell, put me down!" I exclaimed
"No, you're in here without permission so I'm physically taking you out." he replied
"Just let me borrow the damn jacket." I laughed hitting his back

He put me down, handed me the jacket and shut the door in my face. I went back into Jules's room with flushed cheeks.

"You get the jacket?" she asked
"Yeah." I smiled
"Alright well lets go so we don't miss the tram." she said
A/N - I think this is the first time I haven't hated the first part I've written, normally they always suck and are boring but I actually like this one lol. Anyways I really hope you guys enjoy this story, I'm very excited and love the characters!

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