I'm sorry Obito...

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KakashiPov: //Kakashi begann to open his eyes slowly to see that he was in a room not just one room but in the hospital room of Konoha// What?... Why am I in an Hospital?... Where is Obito?!

TsunadePov: Kakashi calm down. You're here because tourists had found you passed out on the ground and were so kind to bring you to Konoha because they saw your headband. And Obito... Sorry but idk where he is. The Anbu is already searching for him. But he just disappeared, we have absolutely no trace of him. Your head got hurt badly so it seems like you forgot what happened. But don't worry you should remember everything in a few days.

KakashiPov: Disappeared??? N-No... He can't be gone again right?! TELL ME HE DIDN'T LEAVE AGAIN

TsunadePov: Kakashi calm down! We're all trying to find him so just rest for now and try to remember what happened. But don't get so stressed. I don't want that you have mental health problems again...

KakashiPov: Alright. How long was I passed out?...

TsunadePov: 4 days. I must go now I have work to do. Rest well Kakashi. You can go home tomorrow if you want to. But today you must still stay here in the Hospital.

KakashiPov: Ok. Well bye than.

//The next day. Time: 7:32am//

//Kakashi got out of the Hospital and went right away home. After he arrived at his house.//

KakashiPov: It's so quite... I miss him. Ugh why does he need to leave all the time. And I thought we could live now together. Well I was wrong I guess. No. I'm not going to give up! I just need to remember what happened... But how?

//Kakashi wasn't really motivated to eat something so he just laid down on his bed and tried to remember but nothing, absolutely nothing came to his mind what happened and where Obito was now. He was lost. Lost in feelings of guilt and despair.//

KakashiPov: I should go to my team. They were probably worried about me.

//Kakashi walked to the training field to see... no one. They weren't there. He decided to go look on other places, but was stopped by who? Exactly Gai^^//

GaiPov: Kakashi my rival! I heard you were in the Hospital. What happened my good friend?^^

KakashiPov: Gai. It was just an accident on an mission I was on... (Mission? Right the mission I was on with Obito! We were supposed to look what Akatsuki was planning and than, than... Fuck. Idk what happened than...)

GaiPov: Kakashi my friend, are you sure there isn't anything on your mind? You seem a little off right now! You know you can tell me everything right?! How about we do a duel?!^^

KakashiPov: Duel? (Duel... Yeah a duel no a fight yes a fight happened... I remember. Madara, Obito and Me. Obito left with Madara to protect me! It was again my fault that he is now gone... I'm useless... I couldn't protect myself. And now he is gone. But I'm not going to give up! I'm going to bring you back home Obito but this time you're going to stay with me.)

GaiPov: Yes a duel! How about it?

KakashiPov: Later. I need to do something important now sorry.

GaiPov: No worries my rival! If something is wrong I'm always there for you!

KakashiPov: Thank you Gai.

//Kakashi walked home, fast. When he got home he began to pack his stuff like clothes, food, water... After he was done packing his stuff he made his way to the place where he passed out.//

Why did you leave me?    //Obikaka//Where stories live. Discover now