•T H I R T E E N•

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"Hey, thats cheating!" Minho yelled as i tossed the contents of the red plastic cup into the bush beside me.

We were in a heated game of cup pong and i was supposed to be the designated driver that night but my crush had talked me into it. Id had one cup of beer and my fingertips tingled as i had only been drunk one time prior.

It was a high school party so everyone here who was drinking was breaking the law. Minho only being nineteen and me only being seventeen at the time.

"Just go!" I yelled back as the music bumped loudly in the background.

"Spin the bottle in the living room! If you dont play, you're a pussy!"

Minho and i looked at one another as one of our classmates yelled from the balcony and shrugged as the other tossed the ping-pong ball on the table.

At the time, our mindset was to just make out with someone, maybe even hook up though i was a virgin at the time.

However, that night went much much different than planned and awoke things within me that i never knew existed.

Everyone who wanted to play sat around a coffee table. Minho sat across from me, a girl already up on him and seungmin sat to my left as he spoke to a girl who he had always thought was cute. I sat pretty much by myself, a boy in my class to my right and a girl and her boyfriend fo my left.

"Okay we're starting," the boy who yelled from the balcony said as he placed an empty tequila bottle on the table "but whoever it lands on, you have three minutes in the bedroom by yourselves with the other person,"

Everyone furrowed their eyebrows at the strange number of minutes, a few even groaned at the small amount of time.

"Listen, i know most of you can jizz in three minutes anyways so just go with it," he said as everyone laughed. He hushed everyone as he spun the bottle, the remainder of the alcohol contents spilling out onto the glass table top.

The game went on for a good twenty minutes and so far i had gotten away with not getting picked.

But of course, like any other time of my life i spoke too soon, the glass bottle landing on me as i was too busy looking at a couple grinding against each other in the corner.

The group of people who were consuming alcohol as they played screamed and yelled as my attention was drawn back to them.

"Han jisung! Han jisung!" They all chanted and i was confused on who had spun the bottle since i hadnt been looking for the last little bit.

My heart stopped as my best friend stood from the group, his feet wavering underneath him as he balanced himself on the girl who seemed sad to see him go.

"What are you doing, jisung? Go!" The girl said as she leaned closer to my ear so i could hear her.

"What?" I asked, confused with the little bit of alcohol buzzing in my veins.

"You and minho have to go in the room together!"

I stood after a moment, catching eyes with seungmin, who stood as well, walking away from the game and out the french doors.

My arm was grabbed as i began to get dragged behind minho and into the master bedroom of the house. The door clicked behind us and for the first time in a long time i could hear my thoughts. They were asking me questions, ones like why were minhos eyes so pretty in the lamplight of the room?

𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now