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Somedays, I wish the rain would just stop.

Hwang and I sat in my car, the only conversation being the ones of raindrops as they pelted my windshield. They spoke to each other in Morse code, calling for help as they plummeted into the glass. Though i thought the real person that needed help was the boy next to me. Hwang was still crying and I didn't know why.

Maybe I should just die...

This was all I could think of in the moments leading up to this one.

"Hwang?" I asked into the silence and only got a sniffle in response "what happened?"

The boy looked up at me with eyes drowning in oceans. Browns being moved by currents and I couldn't describe the feeling it gave me. It was like someone was trying to shove boulders up my esophagus.

"I can't tell you," he whispered and looked out the water speckled window.

"Of course you can tell me," I urged and reached over to grab his hand. "I'm your friend.."

And in some ways this seemed to comfort him and in other ways it seemed to unsettle him. However he didn't let go. Hwang clung to my hand like it was a lifeline. Like it was the only thing keeping him from flatlining.

A soft scoff and hwang was speaking.

"You're only being nice to me because I keep coming to you with my problems.. you're afraid to be mean.."

But still, his hand was in mine. It was gripping and holding on as if he would fall if he let go. So I let him hold it for as long as he wanted to.

"That's not true," I denied and shook my head "if I didn't want you around I wouldn't have invited you over.. we're friends, hwang,"

It was quiet for a long while before the boy beside me breathed in a small breath before speaking.

"All I can say," he said in the quietness of the car "is that I might not be around much longer,"

"What?" I asked and reached over to gently cup his face and got him to look at me. Our hands separated as I used them both to wipe away his tears

"I can't elaborate.." he whispered and blinked away his tears. His voice was so quiet, so broken that I didn't know what to say.

"You have to..did someone hurt you?" I asked and I was so anxious "I haven't seen you in days and this is how you come back to me.."

As I looked at him I wondered who could hurt someone so precious. I found myself wanting to do awful things to whoever did it. Whoever made the shine in this boys eyes turn sad needed to know what I had to say.

"Was it your dad-"

"No," hwang said quickly, too quickly and I opened my mouth to protest before he pulled away from me. "No.."

The brunette looked at his lap again and blinked as a tear hit his already wet jeans.

"Can I sleep at your house tonight?" Were the words he spoke next


Almost thirty minutes later hwang and I walked into my apartment. During the car ride his mood had done a whole 180. He slipped off his jacket and gasped softly as he let it hit the floor.

"It's so warm in here!" He called out excitedly and I grabbed his hand with a smile.

"It will be warmer when you get in dry clothes, come on,"

𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now