Play date

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*Sooyoung is calling...*

"Soo! Hel-"

"My parents are out, come over? There's some new...uhh games I was wanting to try out." A chuckle can be heard from the other side of the line.

"I'm not sure Soo...There's a few things I need-"

"My parents are getting suspicious on all our 'play dates' you've canceled. I'll let them know you stopped by. See you in ten?"


*Call ended. This call lasted 1:09*


I stall at the door. If I can just wait a few more minutes, not abide by her rules. Ten minutes on the dot... Desperate. Just a few minutes where I can stand in the beauty of white noise. But, of course, I'm interrupted by a roaring in my chest aimed at this slither of rebellion, tugged somewhere between 'why are you waiting? Knock!' And 'you've got this! Don't give into her!'.


"Uh...Jiwoo? Are you there? Why didn't you just walk in? You've been coming to this place since you were eight, you can just invite yourself in you know that right? Jiwoo?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah right! Hi!"

Shaken out of thought I flash a smile that has been said to rival the sun in its brightness (by a certain best friend with purple hair).

"You're late, that's new. Well...come in!"

The smile goes unnoticed by her of course. Maybe she's used to it. I'm pulled through her front door by her slender hand that grabs ahold of mine softly. Sometimes I wish she were more tender like this. The stroking of a thumb on the back of my hand pulls me back to her, present her.

We ascend the staircase, there's no need for formalities in our...relationship? One of which's type is complicated in feeling but none the less cliché in theory. Passing through the landing I glance at the eye like clock, tormenting me.


There's still a thrill. No parents, just her and me, me and her. We both know what's to come and it's become a running joke, seemingly on me where we pretend we don't. Hence our code 'play dates'. It's a sort of joke we made up after this one time where her mom walked in on us playing "hide and seek" we said. Meanwhile my body laid plain under the pink blanket of Sooyoungs bed. The joke has a sour note now as we have these pretend meet ups or "play" "dates" where the time we spend together is strictly for a more matured type of fun.

"You really keep spacing today. Wanna watch a movie?"

I hate her. She has for me no care. She sees but she still just doesn't care. Perhaps all I am worth is what she wants from me, no more, no less. I get no say in what she needs, not that I'd ever say no, it's just sometimes this want for more... That's selfish. Who cares! Besides, I don't give a fuck about her anyway! Whoever said I gave a shit?



Another clock makes eye contact with me. The movie only started five minutes ago, no use complaining, it was what we both knew would happen. We both agreed to these unspoken rules long ago, I'm this same pink themed room.

I still feel a tingle when her hand approaches the lower part of my thigh. Heart race still increases when her head on my shoulder turns, hot breath released onto my neck. Hand sliding upwards, kisses, slow and precise onto the crook of my neck. I wish she would talk more. And then her face is in front of me and the wishes drift away. She's stopped, staring at me, but her eyes aren't black, not blown out, so clear I can see my reflection, as if they're mirroring mine. Her timing ever so perfect, she kisses me, soft and tender, different, a good different.

Too good to be true different for the next thing I know the sheet is thrown above our heads and the dark settles around us. We both giggle, it's hard to forget the earlier happy memories of our games of hide and seek where there were hope and innocence intertwined like the fingers of lovers. We are not lovers. We fuck.

Things move faster. It's as if the darkness only feeds her hunger. My mind starts to blur in ecstasy, breathing more sporadic and little whimpers make their way past my lips as my hips instinctively rock up and down. The heat from under the sheets makes it hard to breathe. And when it's done I lay, panting, I fucking hate these sheets and I most definitely hate her.


"You're up. Good." Sooyoung says from the floor before going back to whatever bored game it is she's doing on the floor, lollipop in her mouth, foot tapping the plush carpet beneath her. So casual in her underwear.

There's nothing left to say. Why must she be like this? I wish there were some game where I could control her mind. If we could just talk, anything.

", what've you been doing?"

She moves a piece on the board, hitting another one over with it.


Crude. I huff out some air and turn onto my side. I wish I didn't care all the time...

A weight enters the bed behind me. I don't give a fuck about you anyways. I won't. A light tap on my back, I turn to face her. She's just looking at me, expressionless. I look back. Perhaps she can taste the ashes to, perhaps she can see the sunset forming deep in my eyes, perhaps she too knows this time is different. But we just keep on staring. Her cheeks are rosy, most probably from the heat in the room though it's not far from her normal tinge of pink. Her hands lay awkwardly in the space between us, willing to be touched, or maybe it's my want to be held carefully by their warmth. I just wish I knew what you need, I want to give you what you need.

You know I give a fuck about you everyday. Guess it's time that I tell you the truth. She lifts her hand touches, adjusts and moves pieces of my bangs into their rightful place. If I share my toys will you let me stay? I grab her wrist, unable to control this urge anymore. Her eyes meet mine again. I'm at the borderline. I push our hands upwards, uncurl her fingers and then intertwine them as if I'd done it a thousand times before. Her eyes shimmer with wonder and a shy smile graced my face. Don't wanna leave this play date with you.

Hi! So I already have a sequel in mind for Yves perspective. Let me know if you want to see it? There's a certain Adele song I have in mind and I've left hints about it in this chapter. Take a guess but I might change my mind. Comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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