Chapter IV.

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'Time heals all wounds. Atleast that's what I hear when people talk about the pain a loss has had on them. To the point, maybe where you can't find yourself anymore. The pain becomes to much, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. That's how I feel writing about her, even when I don't know if she knows I remember her. It's whatever now, my heart is becoming a stainless, frozen piece of beating ice. I can feel the numbness taking over. Time can heal all wounds, but it'll leave a battle scar where the knife went through.'

Time seemed frozen whenever Faith thought about her sister, then her hear would break a little more. This process happened over and over and over again until Faith just didn't seen to care anymore. Her friends would see her walk down the halls with her head straight, shoulders back, and eyes held forward. Like a proud lioness walking the halls of Salvatore High. Every class she would stalk into she had one agenda for. To pass with flying colors and to not get caught up in the twisted lies of love and the feelings it came with it.

Everything would be so much better if she just didn't care anymore, and she didn't. She didn't care if her friends now saw her as a heartless, careless monster who would only talk if spoken to. She didn't care if she hurt people's feelings but being straight with them. She didn't care. And that's when Kaleb knew, something was wrong with her.

Why was she acting so differently from how she was? She was so nice, so caring, she offered help even if nobody would take it. Kaleb was concerned and didn't know how to help her, he was hoping it wasn't too late.

• • •

Later that afternoon after all their classes were done for the day, Faith headed to the woods to the shooting range. Practicing with her bow always seemed to calm her down in the midst of one of her panic attacks or whenever she was beyond inferno.

Hosting her golden bow up with her left arm outstretched holding the grip, her middle and ring finger drew the light weight horse hair string back, drawing the golden tipped arrow back as the white feathers grazed over red flushed cheeks. The wind whipped around making her hair fly in every direction before she let go of the string sending the arrow into the middle of the bullseye.

Sighing softly, she drew another arrow out of her quiver, repeating the process over and over until all of her arrows were in the middle of 10 targets. Snapping of a branch made Faith whip around and reach for another arrow, but she only found her quiver to be empty. Luckily for her and the opponent, it was only a doe. Walking through the forest grazing on the soft, green grass that threaded through the meadow like a blanket.

Faith kneeled down watching the deer eat its dinner, how it was so majestic and beautiful in its stance. Faith did not dare make a sound, fearing it would run away if she did. Setting her quiver on the ground, her outstretched hand reached for the bag that held her school work inside.

Drawing her sketch pad out of the faux Leather drawstring bag, she lead back against a tree and began to draw the beautiful creature in its natural habitat. Outlining a sketch with pencil before getting out a few charcoal chalks, blending in the shadows, highlights, and natural colors of the scene unfolding before her eyes. It all seemed so serene in that time, her mind wasn't bashing on her and her heart was full of love and life.

"Beautiful drawing." A rough, yet gentle voice whispered into her ear, starting the deer as it ran away.

"You made her run away. You happy now?" Faith groaned, standing up as she collected her things and placed them back into the bag. Shaking her head she began her walk back to the school.

"Come on Faith, you have been acting weird for some time now. What's gotten into you?" Kaleb asked grabbing her arm in concern, his voice was genuine in the questions he asked.

Faith just didn't have the answers herself. How could she answer Kaleb, if she couldn't couldn't answer her own mind.

"Nothings the matter with me. I am perfectly fine. Let's just get back to school." Faith switched the attention before starting to walk back towards their home.

Kaleb sighed in defeat, following Faith back to the school. Slowly reaching for her hand, he took in a deep breath of shock as he felt the cold contact of her skin hit his.

Now he knew something was definitely wrong, her skin would always be radiating warmth. That's why he loved hugging her because even if he wasn't warm all the time he knew that she would warm him up. Now, her hands just felt like death, that's how cold they were. It was like the light inside of her was diminishing. Kaleb hadn't the slightest clue as to why.

He needed answeres but didn't know where to look. He decided the library would be a good place to look, maybe reading up onto angel history would help him out. He wouldn't get his hopes up, in tjat case he would go to the only people he though would be helpful. Alaric and Dorian.

• • •

Settling in for the night, Faith stood infront of her mirror in a bralette and a pair of Kaleb's sweats. Her wings were outstretched for the first time in a few weeks, her eyes were darkened and sharp. They widened in horror as she saw her beautiful white wings slowly turning black ontop, going down halfway only to transition into gray and then the white she knew and loved.

"W-whats happening to me?!" She screamed not caring if anyone could hear as she dropped to her knees. The wings that went 12ft in length dropped down beside her, covering her like a cloak as she began to sob hysterically.

She didn't understand why she was losing so much happiness and determination in her life. Why she was suddenly so cold to the people who loved her dearly.

Looking up into the mirror one last time, she wiped her eyes, seeing her reflection smiling back at her evilly.

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