Just the two of us

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(F/s)= Favorite scent 

The weekend the one day you didn't have to wake up early, you could sleep in. Never mind, (Y/n) spoke too soon. The doorbell rang over and over relentlessly refusing to stop anytime soon, getting faster and faster with every passing moment. (Y/n) groaned groggily rubbing her eyes. Reluctantly dragging herself out of bed and to the front door. Through the peephole, she could see a zoned-out Hinata. Strangely enough, this enraged her. "Boy, what the hell do you want?" (Y/n) yelled tiredly to the orange-haired boy. Hinata stood in a trance; state you were wearing the same nightgown from his dream. He stared and stared and stared until a sharp pain brought him back. He rubbed his shoulder coming back down to earth to see (Y/n) standing with her arms crossed before he remembered his initial reason for coming over. "I left my school bag over here last night and I wanted to get it." (Y/n) sighed wordlessly turning for the stairs, small amounts of shuffling could be heard with a few bangs before she returned. Holding the bag on her index finger. "The next time you assault my doorbell I'm gonna hurt you". (Y/n) said with narrow eyes followed by a yawn. She already didn't get enough sleep as it was she couldn't afford to lose what she didn't have.

Hinata stood at the door awkwardly staring at the girl. He wanted to invite her out, but he was too scared. What would they even do? He didn't know many places he could take a girl besides the arcade although he didn't think the arcade would be open this early in the day. "Why are you standing there like that? You have your bag, is there something else you need?" (Y/n) asked not really wanting an answer more so just wanting to be considerate. "Um no, I was just zoning out." (Y/n) began to close the door still confused as to what happened. Hinata panicked putting his arm through the door. "WAIT". Was quickly followed by him gripping his wrist in pain. "Boy, what the hell is wrong with you???" (Y/n) exclaimed grabbing Hinata's elbow to inspect his wrist. "I would say sorry but it was common sense not to put your hand there." While her words were harsh her tone was careering. "Your wrist looks fine it's just a little red, but what made you do that?" (Y/n) asked while massaging his wrist. Instead of the dull uninterested expression that often Hinata seemed to get was soft and motherly. Oh god did she see him as a son.? Hinata's sweat dropped before taking a risk. "I was wondering if you wanted........to..........hang out today?"

"Huh, you've gotta speak up" "Uh sorry I was wondering if you wanted.......to......HANG OUT?" (Y/n) winced. She asked him to speak up not blow her eardrums out. "You mean today, today, today?" (Y/n) asked while letting go of Hinatas wrist and crossing her arms. Hinata nodded expecting to be rejected. (Y/n) looked back to the clock on the wall. "Alright. Just let me get dressed." Hinata smiled "Alright I'll be waiting." (Y/n) nodded while closing the door. It had been a while since you had done something recreational outside of school. Meaning she had no clue what she should wear. From drawers, baskets, her closet, and even under her bed she couldn't find anything she could see as decent. (Y/n) sat in the whirlwind of her clothes before an outfit came to mind. It was like she just had a vision. A white shirt with black bold letters reading black is beautiful, black pants, black boots, and a beige cardigan. It was so simple it was geniuses. She once again scrambled her room looking at said clothing articles. 

(Y/n) looked at herself from several angles before deciding something was missing. (Y/n) walked over to her jewelry box picking up two dangly butterfly earrings and lip gloss then she was ready. This was the first time Hinata had seen (Y/n) out of uniform. In short, he thought you looked adorable for lack of better words. From the way, you styled your hair to the small sparkle that your (E/c) colored eyes held anytime they meet his own. "You look good," Hinata said without thinking. He flushed several different shades of red. (Y/n) only smiled giving words of affirmation in return. The duo strolled in a  silence that wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either; it was more so a situation where it felt like when a friend says goodbye and you end up going in the same direction. Not awkward just strange. "Where are you taking me?" (Y/n) asked while looking around at the manicured lawns in the neighborhood. Hinata thought before giving an answer he didn't want to lie and say he had a plan in mind but he also didn't want to tell the truth so he went with the second most logical answer.

Busted pipe lines and late nights. Hinata x BLACK READERWhere stories live. Discover now