Love means war pt.2

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(F/f)= Favorite flavor.

Hinata glared at Asahi from the shore. His head rested on the back of his hand while he sat at a table. Tanaka was going on and on about his plans for summer vacation. During the practice match, he noticed you watching this gave him the motivation to try his best as a result they had won the match. While he and the team got refreshments Asahi had snuck away and before he knew it he was leading you out into the water. He grumbled under his breath. Asahi was breaking the bro code. Sure he never told anyone but about his feelings towards you but still wasn't it obvious? Tanaka dragged Hinata out of thoughts with a flick to the forehead. "Ow, what was that for?" Hinata asked while rubbing the red spot on his head. "Have you ever been listing to me? You've barely responded." Tanaka said with a fake pout. "Yeah, I've been listening to you something about volleyball?" Tanaka deadpanned with a groan while rolling his eyes. "Just forget it due I'm gonna find Noya." Before Hinata could speak Tanaka had shoved his hands into his swim shorts and stalked away. Hinata was now alone to truly think. He directed his attention back to you and Asahi. "Was he your type of guy?" The big tall ones with giant muscles.

He could hold her with one arm and hoist her up high above giant crowds. Hinata's head raced with different fantasies about the two of you living out your lives happily together. Hinata was just an extra that old fat dude that slept on your couch from time to time not really helping out. The waves crashed onto the sand soothing his thoughts. He was making peace with something that wouldn't happen for a long time.

                                                                     (Time skip still at the beach.)

(Y/n) and Asahi had gone their separate ways. You were now alone laying under an umbrella shielding yourself away from the sun. You decided to pay a visit to your camera roll and go down memory lane. "Who has you smiling like that?" Kelly asked while sitting next to you. You jumped from the sudden voice. "I swear I've gotta put a bell on you" you joked. She gave an apologetic smile. "My bad, but what has you in such a good mood. Is it that boy?" She asked with a smug grin while watching your reaction. "No way. I'm just looking at old pictures." You showed her your phone to prove your innocence. Kelly shrugged. "So he doesn't have anything to do with why you're in such a great mood?" You sighed letting your phone rest on the sand. "He's just a friend. We only started talking recently." You explained, "By the way he was carrying you, makes it seems like there's more than what meets the eye." A gust of wind wafted the salty scent of the sea towards you. Kelly's hair fell just above her shoulders. She was gorgeous beautiful even. You couldn't help but think of the boys that followed her like mouths drawn to a flame.

The fact that she took interest in the boys you had so-called attracted felt like a strange compliment. "Redhead coming your way. He comes with gifts." She whispered to you while locking eyes with the said redhead. You grabbed onto Kelly's leg stopping her from leaving. "You can't leave. Stay here." She simply nodded while settling back in. You sat up, you were now upright on your knees. You gave Hinata a small wave. "I bought you ice cream." He said meekly while handing you the cone. You took it thankfully. "That was sweet of you. How much was it I'll pay you back." Kelly snorted you glared at her. "Don't worry about it. I wanted to treat you." He said quietly. "You were great against Nekoma" You complimented while licking your (F/f) ice cream cone. You gave Kelly the look dismissing her. She shrugged before taking her leave. Hinata smiled while sitting next to you. "Thanks, they're tough opponents, it took my all to keep track of the ball." You nodded while licking your ice cream. "No kidding, their girls are equally as tough as the boys."

Your phone rang cutting through your next sentence. You picked it up and looked at the caller ID. It was your father and he wanted to facetime. You answered the call without a second thought. "Hey, how's it going sweetheart?" Your father chirped happily while getting settled into the car.

"Not much, I learned the rules of beach volleyball today."

"That's good sweetheart, anything exciting happen since I left."

You nodded while licking your ice cream. "This dude saved me from a bunch of bugs. They were the size of my middle figures."

"Oh really," Your father kissed his teeth. "Does this dude have a name?"

You nodded, "His name is Asahi, he's the third year and he's really nice to me." (Y/n) smiled obliviously at the fact that her father was planning a murder. 

"What about that other boy?" He asked while cracking his knuckles. Before placing them on the steering wheel. "The orange one. How's he doing?" A vain had formed on your father's forehead.

"You mean Hinata?" Hinata froze at the sudden mention of his name.

"Yeah, that's the one how's he doing?" 

(Y/n) panned the phone to Hinata until he was in view. "He's actually right here. He bought me ice cream, we're talking about our matches." Hinata looked away, suddenly the ice cream melting on his cone became the coolest thing in the world.

"Stop acting funny and say hi." You scolded both your father and Hinata. After listing to a five-minute-long awkward conversation your father gave you well wishes before hanging up the phone.


Busted pipe lines and late nights. Hinata x BLACK READERWhere stories live. Discover now