≪•◦Chapter 1 - The Mystery Man◦•≫

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You're walking home from work and decide to take a quick stroll through the park. So you sit down on a bench and put on some music, the first song that plays is Mask by Dream. You are just listening to the lyrics when a stranger sits beside you. You look over at them and see a man with beautiful bright green eyes and dirty blonde hair sitting there beside you. He is surprisingly good looking for a man in California, you expected to see a random drunk man passed out on the bench. He looks over at you and you hastily look away and a slight blush comes across your face. 

Y/N 💭: "Did I seriously just get caught looking at a random man? What if he thinks I was staring at him?? Oh no, my life could be over because of a random man!! Ugh what could go worse on this day."

At that moment you get a phone call, you check your phone to see who it is. It's your boss, you nervously answer the phone.

📞🗯: "Y/N, you're fired!! You haven't come to work on time in 3 months!!! That's 3 months that Emily has had to open the shop all by her self! How could you be so selfish and not help her?!"  Your boss angrily hangs up the phone and your hands start to shake as tears come streaming down your face. Your phone rings again and you hesitantly answer it, it's your moms voice coming from the other side of the phone but her voice is shaking like mad as if she's been crying.

📞🗨: "Y-your father... He was hit by a car when he was on his way to work, you might want to come to * * * * * Hospital to say goodbye.." You hang up the phone, your hands are now shaking more violently than before. You put your head in your hands and begin to sob as soon as the song Someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi starts to play through your headphones. The lyrics seem to go to your heart instead of your head, it hurts like a b*tch.

The man sitting beside you notices that you are crying and moves over a little bit and tries to comfort you. 

???: "Hey are you okay?" He asks so politely, it makes your heart skip a beat.

You look up, tears streaming down your face. You wipe the tears off your cheeks and as soon as you start to talk, he cuts you off.

???: "Sorry, I don't mean to invade your space and/or privacy." He scooted back to where he was and turned away.

Y/N: "N-no, no it's okay. W-well I just lost my job and my dad got hit by a car and now he's in hospital, today has to be the worst day of my life! All of this is one day, what did I do to deserve this?"

You start sobbing again but this time the mystery man pulls you in and hugs you, you notice he smells of vanilla. You take deep breaths to smell the sweet smell of vanilla and also settle your breathing and eventually your breathing and crying both slow. When you think that you're stable enough to talk again, you take one more deep breath and slowly begin to talk.

Y/N: "Could you drive me to  * * * * *  Hospital? S-sorry if it's too much to ask but I worry that if I walk I won't make it in time and that he'll be gone by the time I get there.."

Mystery Man: "Yeah, of course. Let's go."

You both get in his car and he turns the Radio on, it's a Lo-Fi radio with no ads at all so it is a very calming drive to the Hospital. Neither of you talk at all during the 5 minute drive, he just drives and you just relax and listen to the radio. When we get to the hospital he opens the car door for you and bows as you step out of the car. He quickly closes the door and gets back in the drivers seat. As he is driving away you yell.

Y/N: "I never got your name!!" He yells something back but you can't understand what he said because it was too quiet to comprehend. You sigh and walk into the hospital to say your last goodbyes to your beloved father. As you wait for them to tell you that your father has passed away you think about the mystery man and how you will stay strangers until you see him again...


╭──╯ . . . . .      Authors ✎ Note      . . . . . ╰──╮

This was really fun to write, there will be more chapters coming

Word Count: 808

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