≪•◦ Chapter 2 - Dream? ◦•≫

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You walk into the Hospital, not knowing what to expect. You go to the reception desk and ask what room your father is in and they tell you so you rush upstairs to your fathers room. Your mother and brother are both sitting outside the room, your mother is crying and your brother doesn't look like he's doing too well with bottling up those tears. 

Y/N: "How is dad doing..?" You ask shyly. Your hands already starting to shake and tears are starting to well up in your beautiful eyes once again.

Jake(Y/N's brother): "He's not doing too well, unfortunately. They said he probably won't make it through the night." Jake comes over to you and wipes the tears off of your cheeks that had been silently falling as you stand there in shock.

A/N: It's 6PM for them now btw

You sit down on one of the cushioned chairs that litter the hallways and begin to think about that mystery man again, trying your hardest not to cry over the fact that you are probably losing your father tonight. 

An hour has passed

You get up and excuse yourself from the hallway and walk to the washroom, you sit down on a toilet and just begin to cry and you can't stop. The tears won't stop coming, you just sit there for a long time crying. You don't know how much time has passed but when the tears finally stop coming you go back to where your mother and brother are. They look up at you when you get back.

Y/N's Mother: Where have you been for the past 2 hand a half hours? We were worried about you!

Y/N: Sorry Ma.. I just needed some time to myself and I think I need to go home, let me know how dad does. Sorry but I just need to leave.

Jake: Ok Y/N, good night.

You walk out of the Hospital with your head down, tears quietly gliding down your face. You start walking home when a creepy dude comes up to you and starts flirting with you, you decide to make a run for it. You're running down the street with this drunk drug addict running after you, as soon as you see your house you speed up and run as fast as you can to your front door. You let yourself in and immediately lock the door and you go to lock every other door and window. You go to your bedroom and see that Dream is live so you click into the live and say hey to everyone.

Y/N 💭: "His voice is so calming to hear, especially after that situation with the addict, he should go live every day... His voice seems familiar, kind of like that guy's from the park. Oh my god what if I met THE Dream today? No, there's no way."

You continue to watch well- more like listen to dreams stream as you start to fall asleep when some certain words catch your attention.

Dream: "I met this lovely person today, well I didn't really meet them. More like comforted them and let them vent I guess. But they were kind, never did get their name though. Such a bummer, I hope I see them again."

Chat went crazy to this, everyone was shipping Dream and this mystery person. It's almost as though you're living in a wattpad story! People were asking him to describe this person but he refused for privacy reasons, how nice of him. You look out the window and notice your neighbors house and see a familiar face glued to a computer screen. You smile as he looks your way, he blushes and looks back to his game. You assume he's playing Minecraft like any normal person and then you text in chat and Dream actually notices it. You look over to your neighbor and he's smiling, you think that that HAS to be him! 

TTS: Y/T/U(your twitch user): "Nice smile, Dream. It suits you. <3"

Dream: "I- What?" 😃

Y/N 💭: "I think I'm going to go to bed now, it's really late. I wonder what my dreams are going to be..."  You say goodnight to chat and turn your pc off. You lay down on your bed and stare at the ceiling, thinking about him. What does he think of you? All the thoughts eventually leave your head and you fall asleep.

 Your dreams are just filled with him, not one doesn't have him. All of them have him at least in the background. Do you like him? Does He like you? 

Figure out in the next chapter. ;)


╭──╯ . . . . . Authors ✎ Note . . . . . ╰──╮

This one was rather hard to write to be honest, all the ideas just left me on delivered for this chapter but it was still fun to write!! There will be more.

Word Count: 826

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