I Lost Count tbh

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So, as I was taking a shit. I was thinking "man, how else is megamind an UwU boy? I can't disappoint my legion of adoring fans"

And so I realized something.

Did you see the way Megamind acted around Roxanne? Total virgin energy.

And according to shitty BATM Cuphead crossover fanfictions (yes they exist and yes yuck) that's very UwU.

Which means, that not only is megamind a pure sweet virgin UwU boy...

But all you virgin ass losers reading some shitty ass book about megamind being an UwU boy written by another virgin ass loser, you are also UwU boys/other.

So in the end.

Aren't we all sweet innocent wonderful UwU boys?

The answer is yes.

Except for me.

I'm above you all.

P.S. if you're not a virgin, reading this shit gives you virgin energy. So you're one of them too

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