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Cassie tensed hearing those words and turned to the youngest aboard, straightening up with a serious look and crossed arms, attempting to look intimidating. "Parker. Moore. You two know your role today. It's simple. Keep an eye out for outside threats, stay away from unusual weapons, and help civilians if necessary."

She nodded to them and turned back towards the hanger door as Peter leapt up and pulled her attention away. "Actually, um Miss Thomas, I was kind of wondering if Audrey and I could help with the main mission today? I mean, if that would be alright?"

Cassie sighed, dropping her head, "Listen, Peter. It's her first mission. I'm not going to throw her in without her actually experiencing real missions like this. We just can't risk that."

"Well she was the top of her class at SHIELD academy and has done a ton of field work and training on the simulator. She could totally kick ass." He turned as he said that last statement and blushed at the young agent. Peter turned back to Cassie and his face quickly fell seeing her stoic expression.

Cassie stared at the young avenger in front of her. She knew that he had a soft spot for Audrey, but this was what was laid out for her to acclimate to real life situations the best. She was the first agent Cassie took under her wing and is extremely proud of her abilities, progress, and willingness to learn. Audrey received straight A's in all of her classes and excelled in her physical skills. Once she had graduated from the academy, Cassie took it upon herself to push Audrey's limits. She knew that the academy would teach her everything, but there was still so much she could learn from someone who has already been through so many missions and fights. Cassie was impressed by Audrey's abilities to learn from her mistakes so fast and to use her opponents moves against them. With less than six months of training after graduation, Cassie has finally let her go on a 'real mission.' She couldn't help but be nervous about letting Audrey come along, even though she knew it would happen eventually. At least she could make this call instead of someone else making it and sending her out with a random team. She wanted her to take it easy on the first one. But the kid had a point.

She looked to Audrey sitting behind Peter with gigantic doe eyes and threw her head back in defeat. "FINE. But you have to stick with her. I can't guarantee I can be next to her the whole time. And she needs to have someone with her at ALL TIMES." Cassie stared down into Peter's eyes watching to catch any hint of uncertainty. She found none and watched as he quickly nodded to her proclamation and turned to Audrey to tell her and embrace her, quickly letting her go.

Cassie stepped towards the door as they touched down. She stood next to Bucky and blankly stared at the door.

"You okay?" Bucky searched her features but only received a small nod and watched as she checked her weapons, for the fifth time. "We'll be done in no time, doll."

She settled and let her mind fall back into the mission. It was really only a small threat. Some criminals got a hold of some high tech weapons and had been robbing and terrorizing local businesses. They didn't care who they hurt and what destruction they left behind. The team was finally called in when the local police couldn't keep up with the high tech weapons and realized it was too much to handle. They didn't bring a big team but they definitely didn't want to send plain SHIELD agents in. The team consisted of Cassie, Bucky, Sam, Steve, Clint, Peter, and agent Moore.

Once the quinjet settled, the team prepared to exit and find their targets. The doors opened, and like a well oiled machine, the team moved out and went to their planned positions. The team was surrounding a warehouse that was being targeted for the chemicals stored there. Through the comms, Steve checked in with everyone. Clint and Sam on the roof of a nearby structure, Steve and Bucky catty-corner from the main entrance of the building, and Cassie, Peter, and agent Moore on the back side of the building.

Sam scanned the building and confirmed the targets inside were the criminals they were searching for. There were four main targets who held enhanced weapons and eight more who held small firearms. On Steve's signal they moved in. Once inside, the team worked through the crowd of men like a dance. Steve and Bucky used their strength together to take down some of the easy ones, quickly making their way to one of the leaders.

Sam flew in through a window holding Clint by a hook attached to Sam's belt, allowing Clint to easily knock down the men with multiple arrows before he was released from his latch. Sam then twisted his wings around to kick two men down at once. They work in sync next to Cassie and Moore, who leaned on each other's backs and fired their weapons. Peter effortlessly swung along the rafters, spewing webs onto one of the leader's weapons, blocking it from firing.

He swung down to the man and kicked him across the room, knocking him out against the wall. Peter resumed swinging around and assisting the team where he could. Nearby Cassie and agent Moore, a man closed in on them from their side and Cassie dropped her gun and quickly pulled out her knife. She flipped it in her hand (Bucky's signature move he taught her) and lunged at the man catching him off guard, pushing the massive weapon out of the way. She quickly swept her leg under him and jabbed her elbow at his throat. He dropped the weapon and coughed desperately trying to get air. She drug the knife across his arm and launched a left hook into his jaw, knocking him down for good. She looked at him with disgust, briefly reviewing the weapon he held and turned back towards the team to assess their progress. 

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