Chapter Thirty-Five

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Andy and Kendra were leaving in two weeks. They were ready for their wedding and honeymoon, but were struggling to get to stopping points with everything at work, and to ensure every person had proper clearance to handle any situations which may arise when they were gone. Worst case scenario, I would be called upon to make decisions, because repercussions for the sis of the boss were minimal.

They were going to be in Hawaii for nine days. I was so excited for them! I couldn't wait to see pictures!

Since Brad had left, they had taken to inviting me to dinner, activities, or both, on the weekends. Since they were both so busy this week, I hadn't heard a thing from them about this weekend, and didn't plan to.

Before nine on Friday night, I was in my pajamas, stretched out on the couch, and attempting to watch a comedy before I allowed myself to actually get in bed. I hadn't been watching it long when someone pounded on my front door.

I jumped and sat bolt upright with my heart trying to break free from my chest. I wasn't expecting anyone. I crept carefully to the front window and peeked out a crack, trying not to move the curtain. I saw Steve's silver pickup and breathed a sigh of relief.

I quickly unlocked and unbolted the front door and turned off the alarm panel so he could come in.

"What's wrong?", I asked him as he stepped in, shivering as a zero degree breeze came in with him.

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you. Saw the light was still on, so I figured you were up yet".


"Hey, sorry, hun, I didn't mean to scare you", he said.

I was clutching my chest with one hand and trying to slow my breathing still. My temples were pounding awfully hard. I hadn't gotten lightheaded upon standing, thank goodness, but I wasn't feeling steady either.

"Maybe you should sit", he recommended, snagging one of my elbows and steering me back to the couch.

"You okay?", he asked, sitting on the coffee table across from me.

I nodded and paused the movie.

"Glad to see you're settling the alarm when you're home", he said, smiling. "And you still-".

"Yes, I still have my gun next to the bed", I interrupted him.

He chuckled. "I still need to get you some practice in".

"I don't know if I want to do that pregnant", I said. "Won't the noise bother the baby?"

He frowned. "Cripes. I hadn't thought of that".

He took a deep breath. "So, about me staying here", Steve started. I waited. I decided to let him talk before jumping down his throat this time.

"Well, I want you to know it's not about you. It's about the baby. I want to protect my baby. It's not that I don't care about you, too, but that's not my main motivation. It's him. Drew is inside of you right now, so the only way for me to protect him is to protect you. You know me. That's how I am. There's nothing inappropriate in my intentions".

He waited, looking for a response.

"Steve, I know all of that".

"So you'll let me stay with you?"

"No. Steve, we've already discussed it. I'll figure out something else. Andy offered to pay for actual nurses to come in and help me".

"Paige, those will be strangers. You won't like it".

"I won't like any part of bed rest. What's one more thing?", I shrugged.

"Why don't you want me to do it?", he asked.

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