1 - past and present

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If you haven't yet please read the description! Or else you'll be very Confused!

Y/n's mom - Kiyuri Riyumi

Y/n's dad - Romilius Riyumi

Y/n's older brother - Lance Riyumi

Y/n's father is the heir of the royal family making him king when he was the right age and married

Y/n's mom came from a family of elite assassin's and out of all of them y/n's mom ( Kiyuri ) Is the strongest of all of them

When y/n's father was ruling over the kingdom he was having a hard time, resulting in people rioting and rebelling against the kingdom

When Y/n's mother crossed paths with her father they immediately fell in love

Normally the royals and the assassin's won't allow this but the royal family needed something to scare and keep the people from rebelling and the assassins needed more money

And with that they got married

After 2 years since Lance was born, y/n was born on
(b/d - birthday date)

When y/n was 4 and lance was 6
Their parents decided to step back and go somewhere else since there were a lot of people trying to attack them

Y/n's father always gives his right hand man instructions for the well-being of the kingdom

Y/n's brother Lance was a mad genius creating robots and other stuff for fun, he's really fond of technology

While y/n's mother, Kiyuri, trains y/n on a lot of things including

How to control her power

How to make her power stronger

How to fight using physical strength

And many more

Not to mention y/n's mother was a literal goddess in looks, she looks nothing like a mom, she's even prettier then teruhashi!

And y/n took a lot from her mother

And her father was undeniably handsome too, this family had the looks of god's and goddesses

And y/n was the most beautiful of all of them, but she thinks she's just a normal looking person, she's even insecure of some parts

- Present -

"Master y/n, dinners ready"

Said the maid, that's standing in the doorway

Y/n nodded in response slowly standing up

Y/n started walking out her room, the maid following her

They walked the hallways of the castle/mansion that y/n and her other family members call home

Once they stood in front of the door of the dining area, two guard's standing next to the two doors opened it for y/n

Walking in, y/n saw the ridiculously large and long dining table with her family sitting down, waiting for her to come before eating, there was a rule that no one can eat when a family member isn't at the table, and when said family member doesn't want to eat they may eat without them

"I'm sorry did I take too long?"

Y/n said walking up to the table, the maid still following her

The maid pulled the chair for y/n so she could sit down, once y/n sat down the maid took a white cloth and slowly put in on y/n's lap, after all that the maid bowed and walked away to the seat pushed up to the wall waiting for y/n to finish so she can escort her to her room

"Y/n, dear.. me and your father have been thinking, and we decided to transfer you to another school since you seem to know everything your current school, magic academy, is teaching"

Y/n's mother said

"I don't mean to be rude, but if I know everything in magic academy what makes you think I don't know everything in a normal school?"

Y/n said with a calm tone

"I know you already know what they're going to teach you but  atleast you can make friends"

Y/n's mother stated

"If that's what you want, then I'm more than happy to do it"

Y/n said with a small and warm smile

"Which school are you even gonna enroll her to anyways?"

Lance asked with a curious look on his face

"I think the school is called 'PK academy' "

Y/n's mother replied

They all conversed among eachother

Soon they finished dinner and went back to their rooms

Y/n was lying on her bed

'Pk academy huh? I wonder if I can actually make friends there'

Words - 720

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