Chapter One

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I laugh as my brother tries to pick up yet another girl. Will he ever learn that the sixth graders are just out of his league? I see the girl scoff at him and say something to him. Typical. I see it about ten times each recess.

He walks back over to me, red-cheeked, and sits down next to me on the bench.

"Was she not ready to commit to a relationship with Mr. Hotness?" I ask sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and pouts.

"No. She didn't seem to want this. But why wouldn't you?" He smirks.

"I could name a number of reasons. One, you're-" I get cut off when he puts his hand over my mouth.

"Bro, quit being such. A. Dork." He says, shaking his head at me, "You need to get a girlfriend. I've had, like, five in this past week. I know you like someone out here-" I finally pull his hand off and stand up, pulling my little pen and notepad out of my pocket.

"I'm gonna go and investigate that weird mushroom patch again. I need more notes so I can figure out what they are." I say.

"You and your mysteries. I just don't get it. I'm going to go try out some dodgeball with those other boys." He replies, trotting off towards the game.

I sit down and sketch out the pattern on the top of the fungi, trying to copy in detail. I sigh.

I suppose they are just normal mushrooms, but I don't wanna admit it. I just want... something interesting to happen. To me. I'm not Mr. Super-Social Jock with Tons of Friends. I've... I've only got Stan, if I'm honest with myself. That's why I try to find mysteries, and things to investigate. To keep things interesting.

Glancing back down at my notepad, I begin to scribble some more notes when I hear a yell, "Stop!"

I glance up to see Charlie Brownfield, the biggest boy on the playground, laughing as his friends pelt Stanford with dogdeballs. I see one hit his face, and I hear the cracking crunch sound of glass breaking.

I quickly jump up and rush over just when Charlie is going up to my brother, grabbing his shirt, and putting up his fist.

"Stupid! Do you really think you're so cool, idiot?" Laughs Charlie, about to sock my scared brother right in the glasses.

I rush up and yell, "STOP! PUT DOWN MY BROTHER NOW!", then I jump in front of him. Charlie slowly puts Stan down, looking mad, but he knows how I always tell on bad kids.

"BACK OFF AND PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE, JERK!" I scream at him. You picked on the wrong kid, buddy.

Charlie rolls his eyes, muttering something about me using vulgar language. "Fine, geek." He replies. Stanford is behind me, I'm sure on the verge of tears, grabbing onto my jacket. Charlie and his gang walk away, probably to go pick on some other innocent kid.

I turn to Stanford, and I gasp. "He broke your glasses?" Stan nods, his eyes full of tears, "I'm sorry, man. He's a jerk. I've told you not to hang out with him. Nothing but trouble."

Stan just takes off his glasses, stares at them, then plops down on the pavement. He starts to cry. He never cries, I think to myself, Mr. Tough guy never cries. C'mon, Stanford, I hate seeing you like this.

But he just cries, running his finger over where Charlie's friend cracked the glass over and over again.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, man. Look, let's go and tell the teacher that they broke. She can get you some replacements for now." I try to console him. Finally, he looks me in the eye, and I smile at him, then I check my watch, "It's only two minutes 'till school's out for the summer, man! Can you just hold on until then?"

He nods, and I grab his hand, pulling him up. I hear the sound of the school bell. Yes!!! School's out! We rush back inside to grab our things, then head back out the door.

As we start towards home on the sidewalk, I get and idea.

"Hey, how about we go grab the spare pair of glasses from home and head down to the beach? It'll be fun!" I ask Stan, and of course he says yes.

I suppose I didn't know then that the little trip to the beach wouldn't go how I planned.

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