Chapter Thirteen:Training Gone Wrong?.

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Narrators POV.

It was the next day as (Y/N) continued exploring all over the castle by herself. She managed to find the library, the astronomy room and the gardens outside. Of course (Y/N) accidentally grew the garden back to life by stepping foot in it but that never bothered Nightmare. In fact he became impressed by her magic and became a bit curious on her magic that angels are capable off. Apart from Solar of course, he isnt an actual angel, he simply is a twisted angel with a dark sense that doesnt fit an angels description. Anyways, Nightmare thought of a small test, which involves the usage of (Y/N)s powers.

"Alright boys, time for training!"

Nightmare yelled out as the bad sanses are in the living room and groaned. Error had left to destroy Aus, much to his dismay because he wanted to feel (Y/N)s wings. Bill decided to hang in his room, considering he doesn't need any training from being a dream demon. And Error404 went with Error because he has to destroy codes and make sure Error is doing his job properly. Meanwhile the remaining of the bad sanses were touching (Y/N)s wings and adored it, heck even Fell and SwapFell enjoyed it. Anyways, everybody all groaned as (Y/N) became confused and curious about it. They all walked out of the living room as (Y/N) followed them and it seems they were going outside the castle.

Once they were outside, there seems to be one hell of a training course. The training course involved climbing, running and fighting. It starts off with rocky walls and bars to climb over the waters, then a long track of running up and down hills. Then lastly is the battle of fake dummys with preparation of swords or anything weapon like. What caught (Y/N)s attention was an open area that was near the course but has a outline of a massive square marking it. She wanted to know about it but she will know eventually.

"Alright boys, on my count of three, you may go, now no teleporting, I don't want to see any of you teleport!."

Nightmare yelled out through a microphone as the boys lined up as (Y/N) watches them in curiosity. She never saw the training course before but she assumed that she couldn't see it because of the thick hedges.

(Y/N)s POV.

I watched them from a distance where I could see the whole course. I became impressed by the course being massive and long, Cross was in the lead with Dust following behind Cross. Behind Dust was Killer and Horror, who were shoving eachother, Fell and Swapfell aka Blackberry made it past the two. Unfortunately they started to trip eachother off and left most of the course difficult for the ones behind them. Solar was flying above the course but he isn't near Cross, in fact he is above Blackberry. Lastly was Shooter and MafiaFell, who were struggling a little bit, but always seem to manage to get close to Horror or Killer.

Cross has finished at the end as Solar came second because Blackberry tackled down Red and fell down near the finish line. I clapped as everybody made it to the end.

"Good job guys, you did amazing".

They became happy as I smiled genuinely. Then Nightmare ordered them to get into pairs as it seems there was a odd number because Red has to sit out from the tackle.

"Hey (Y/N), why dont you give it a try with fighting Cross?".

I shook my head no, there is a good reason why and it's also because I'm no fighter.

"I'm not sure thats a good idea".

"Oh come on (Y/N), atleast give it a try".

Nightmare pressed on as I sighed and nodded.

"Alright Alright but I'm not going to hurt him".

I said softly as I went infront of Cross who was talking to Cross Chara. The two looked at me in confusion.

"Hello guys, Nightmare decided to pair me up with you".

I smiled sheepishly as they looked confused but shrug it off.

"Alright then (Y/N), we will take it easy on you".

Cross said as I sighed in relief.

"Thanks, I'm not really much of a fighter anyways".

We went to the outlined squared field and now I understand why it's an open outlines field now. I scratched the side of my head off as I looked at Cross until suddenly something caught my eye. Cross was wearing a golden heart locket that was tucked in his shirt, it looked familiar to me.

"Ready (Y/N)?!".

I nodded and gave a thumbs up as I changed my outfit to an appropriate set of clothes.( Basically what it shows up on the top image but you can change it to any type of battles clothes you want).

"Alright three, two, one go!".

Cross yelled out as I summoned a sword and started running towards Cross. He seemed to have summoned bones out of the ground as I doged them, then when a massive knife spawned infront of me. I simply jumped up high and started flying once I started to fall. Of course Cross seemed to spawn bones and thrown them towards me but I doged it, my sword was still in my hand. My right hand was curled into a fist and then, once I was close enough to Cross, I punched him in the face. Making him fly backwards, then hit the floor, I heard many gasps as I ignored the gasps and stares. Once when Cross wasn't getting up, I flew quickly towards him as he started getting back up quick. I used my sword and slice only small scratches and scars on Cross's body. It was so jt would make him unable to move once I was done literarring his whole body in small cuts.

Once I was done, there the locket flew out in the air as I grabbed it, I looked at it in curiosity as I poked it.

"Are you sure you haven't fought before?".

I turned around and started to become worried once Cross was face flat into the ground with Cross Chara giving me a blank expression.

"Oh my god, Cross are you okay?!".

I yelled out as he didn't respond, Cross Chara started to fume when I didn't answer his question. I despawned my sword as I crouched down to Cross's unconscious body and turned his body upwards so he won't suffocate.

"Cross wake up please!, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to hurt you this bad!".

I yelled out as he still didn't wake up, Cross Chara didn't seem to care, infact he seemed amused by my actions.

Cross Chara's POV.

I shook my head in annoyance, Cross is doing fine, he's just pretending to be dead, other wise he would've been a ghost with me. I sighed as (Y/N) began to cry, Cross you are sick for making her cry, heck even the rest of the guys are flaring glares at you. I face palmed but then became uncomfortable once she was putting her lips close to Cross's teeth. I knew I have to stop her from doing so.

"(Y/N), Cross's fine, he's just napping!".

I yelled out as she stopped, Cross frowned once he heard me to tell her to stop but he remained to being unconscious.

"Are you sure?".

"Yes I'm sure (Y/N), he's always like that".

I saw a discomfort face on Cross which made me even more amused but she seemed to think.

"Uhm okay then, but atleast let me heal him, I won't kiss him on the mouth, I'll kiss him on the hand instead right?".

Well better than nothing I guess. I gave her a thumbs up as Cross frown disappeared and returned back to comfort once she kissed his hand, making his body return back to normal. Of course the rest of the guys were glaring furiously at Cross as I noticed and laughed. Oh damn Cross is going to be in for a lot of arguments from them.

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